Basics of WSN Simulation: Basically, in a wireless networkthe connection of self-dependent sensors in distributed nodes which are placed in space that is as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). The main use of these kinds of a node is to note the environmental condition and also notify any climate change or abnormal events in the environment.
“This article is ready to serve knowledge about Wireless Sensor Network simulation, components, some tools used in WSN simulation like Prowler, PiccSIM, Atarraya, True-time, COOJA, Netopia and we will go to discuss some parameters also.”
Here data transformation is possible by physical medium from one node to another node. Source nodes and destination nodes are directly communicating with each other because of the data transfer between source and destination nodes.
Here, we are using three types of the component which is used in Wireless Sensor Network. There are,
The above list is representing the WSN components and we learn about some basics of Wireless Sensor Network. Then we will go on to the next topic which is tools in WSN. Here a lot of tools can be used for creating a suitable protocol and applications of middleware. Let us see about simulation tools in WSN.
In this a Simulation of Wireless Sensor Network, many varieties of tools are available for improving the performance of simulation and protocols, technology in wireless sensor Network.
Prowler: It is mainly designed to run MATLAB and also for the event-driven wireless sensor in network devices.
Requirements of Prowler
For the development of models created by users, there is no specific or clear documentation is unavailable. The other disadvantage of prowler WSN Simulation Tools it does not have any new version of Prowler and also. It does not give support for protocols for the ZigBee network. Then we go to the next tool that is NetTopo.
The main purpose of NetTopo tools incorporates with the real sensing nodes and simulation in a single framework Testbed. In other words, the combination of two modes like real nodes and network sensing nodes with a single virtual WSN to the purpose of wireless communication between each node.
To attain a realistic and accurate performance that is mandatory to the integration of Testbed, it gives a real-life characteristic to the node this is in the simulation process. These are some basic knowledge about NetTopo then we will move on to the next tool that name is PiccSIM.
It is also a kind of simulation to which is used to integrate the modeling, communication, control of the environment.
Requirements of PiccSIM
The drawback of PiccSIM tool is here the error occurring in the patch file cannot be rectified and the developer gives the long time support for the simulator. These are some disadvantages of this Tool. Then we move on to the next topic that is COOJA tools. This is one of the important tools that are most appropriate for Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things technologies.
COOJA Simulation tool
Application-level, instruction level, and OS-level are the three layers of WSN for the simulation process in the COOJA tool. These are some basics about the Simulation tool COOJA. Next, we will discuss Atarraya. This tool is mainly designed for the discrete event simulator and the purpose of this tool is to research and teach having some topology algorithms for control and protocols.
Advantages of Atarraya
Requirements of Atarraya
These are the basic requirements of Atarraya simulation tool in Wireless Sensor Network. Then we will move on to the next tool that is True-time. These tools are used for the real-time system-based framework and it works in MATLAB/Simulink.
Requirements of TrueTime
This truetime tool also acts as the stand-alone network interface block and also provides help for battery power sources. It gives permission for continuous plant dynamic, task execution, and network transmission. These are the same basics about the TrueTime simulation tool. Then we go through the topic that is parameters in WSN Simulation Network.
Parameters for WSN Simulation
So far, we have discussed the wireless sensor network simulation in brief. If you want more understanding about the respective field, kindly approach us. We have completed projects, in wireless sensor networks and also have novel ideas about WSN Simulation. If you have any queries feel free to ask us.