As the matter of fact, our resource team will provide the complete support for the research scholars over this article. Let’s get to know about the significance of WiFi simulation with the assistance of our research experts.
Domains in WiFi Simulation
Firstly, we have highlighted some keynotes based on the domains which are functional in WiFi simulation.
Performance Metrics in WiFi Simulation
As the consequent form, our technical professionals have enlisted some the performance metrics which are analyzed through WiFi simulation execution.
Execution of WiFi Simulation
Here, we have illustrated the processes that are involved to execute the WiFi simulation using Ns3 through changing the project location and implementing the following commands.
sudo ./waf –run Data_Transmission_based_on_TCP_CERL –vis
Through the execution of WiFi simulation, we will acquire the result as mentioned in the following image.
If you are looking for the best assistance based on the appropriate WiFi simulation then you guys can reach us.