This article is about utilization of command for the process of retrieving information in software defined network. Before getting to know about the command utilization, let’s start this with the short description about the significant planes in SDN.
Architectural Planes in SDN
In software defined network, there are thee fundamental architectural planes which are used in the operation and they have been highlighted in the following.
Command to Retrieve Information in SDN
Most significantly, the representational state transfer (REST) APIs in SDN is used for the process information retrieve. The RESTful APIs are referred with some literature along with the utilization of HTTP messages such as PUT or GRT for the process of sending the information among the SDN controller and application.
While retrieving information from the controller, we have to use the GET message. On the other hand, PUT message is used to send the information to a controller.
Distributed Model in SDN
In addition, the distributed model in control plane is used by SDN and through the utilization of some protocols such as EIGRP, BGP, ARP, STP and OSPF which are running in the network device. Moreover, all the network devices are communicating with one another.
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