Consider this article as the answer for the question “how to download and implement the veins simulator?” because our research experts have provided the step by step process of simulation in veins simulator.
Veins Supported Simulators
In general, the veins is denoted as the open source framework to run the vehicular simulators and it is based on the two well established simulators such as,
Download Veins Packages
Now, let’s see the process of downloading the veins packages from the following URL.
Import Veins Packages in OMNeT++
To import the veins in OMNeT++, we have to go to the file menu in IDE and select the Import option. Next select / browse the veins stored workstation location.
For your reference, we have highlighted the veins in process of project explorer in the following.
Build Veins Package in OMNeT++
As the consequential process, we have to build the veins in OMNeT++ through right clicking the veins and selecting the build project option and the build processing of veins are highlighted in the following.
Execute Veins Package in OMNeT ++
We have to right click the package and select the Run As > OMNeT++ simulation to execute the packages.
The research scholars can call us to get clear with all their complications while implementing the simulation in veins simulator.