Introduction about Veins Simulator: Veins are the simulator that is used to observe analysis and simulate the vehicular environment. This is a specific simulator that is used for simulating road traffic management, accident management and also message dissemination visualization, etc.
“Due to this article, you have an improvement in your technical knowledge about one of the modern wireless simulators that are Veins simulator, architecture, VANET background, and performance evaluation and more than that.”
VEINS are abbreviated from VEhicles in Network Simulation and this simulator is specially made for the communications between vehicles. The Veins have a limited number of features that cannot use for experimental purposes. In other words, the architecture of it cannot be described with V2I architecture but these servers are connected to all vehicles via RSU that is Road Side Unit.
Structure of Veins
This Veins structure is a combination of two existing simulators that is OMNeT++ and SUMO. OMNeT++ is a simulation process for the discrete event in distributed system and SUMO is fully designed for traffic control simulations and maintains the large road network in urban areas. This veins simulator is also an open-source framework for vehicle communication.
These are the structure of veins architecture. Then we will discuss some requirements, components of the Veins simulator, mobility, and Application in this simulator. Let us see each and every topic simultaneously,
Basic of Veins
Here we consider one of the application in RSU and it’s consist of three important components.There are,
These are some main components in Road Side Unit. Then the next topic is the enhanced simulator module. In this topic, we will discuss how to choose the Veins with the V2X simulation. This is adaptable for academic purposes and also the research purpose.
Enhanced Simulator module
Then we will move on to the next topic which is Vehicular ad-hoc network based on the Veins Simulator. Here, interconnect of two popular simulators is possible we always know that simulator i.e. OMNeT++ and SUMO for improving portability and availability of the vehicular network.
Veins based VANET
These Veins simulator have some preferable performance that is mobility, stability, and portability model in the network. Then we will go through the VANET background. The architecture of VANET is has a static framework of the VANET protocol stack it also involves the applications, communications, security, and services.
Background of Vehicular ad-hoc Networking
In between service channels and control channels, there is an operation performed that is called synchronously switching. These are the same basic concept about the background of VANET. Then the next topic is the Background of the Veins. It is an open-source integrated simulator mainly constructed for VANET applications. We already know the Veins is coupled with the existing two simulators there are SUMO and OMNeT++. Let we will see about the background of the VEINS.
Background of Veins Simulator
Veins simulator coordinates and controls the two simulators which are SUMO and OMNeT++ the connection between these simulators are possible by using Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections.
The above points are insisted on the background of the VEINS. Then the next topic we will see about the network simulation and coupled mobility in veins simulator and the integration of simulator gives some advantages we also see that advantages under this topic.
Network Simulation and Coupled Mobility in Veins
Advantages of coupling in Veins
Then we are going to another topic that is Cooperation of Vehicular and ITS communications. If the network architecture and vehicles are communicating with each other that situation is called C-ITS. The transmission of data is solved by radio transmission in vehicle-to-infrastructure or vehicle-to-vehicle infrastructure. Finally, some performance evaluations are also seen in the below section.
Communication between Vehicular and Cooperative ITS
Here RSUs are connected to the network infrastructure for the purpose of communication between vehicles is connected to the centralized application servers. Then the cooperative ITS can be classified into three categories. There are,
Performance Metrics: Here two kinds of performance are considered. There are,
So far, we will discuss form the basics of the Veins simulator and its coupling architecture, the backgrounds of VEINS and VANET, and more about the veins. Our experts have great knowledge about this technology and also have innovative project ideas. We have more number of developing and developed projects similar to this Veins simulator. For further clarification kindly contact us.