SUMO simulator mainly works for a large number of road networks with it have functionalities are the higher amount of portability, it is open-source software that’s why anyone can access and study the source code of this simulator and also can everyone can modify it. It has some packages like continuous traffic and microscope simulation packages for maintaining a large network for road maintenance.
“We assure you this article is providing lots of ideas and knowledge use of SUMO simulator, Packages, Extensions and many more information about the SUMO.”
SUMO is derived from the word Simulation of Urban Mobility. Here, to create a scenario it has some intermodal simulation and also having pedestrians are also used for road management.
Using SUMO software
The above list represents how to create a network, node, and edge in SUMO software. Then we are going to discuss some basic usage of input files in the SUMO Simulation.Befor beginning the process, let us learn about sumo installation. Here the input is mandatory for the simulator which is in the form of sumo and sumo-gui. Let us see about some input files in simulator SUMO.
Basic Input Files in SUMO Simulator
Here we discuss four kinds of input files that are used for input files. There are,
Parsing order
Here, is important to know about what the input is loaded and when it loaded because of getting reference of the correct resolution. Then we will follow some steps to achieve a result. There are,
Road Network
If we consider the simulation process –net-file<NETWORK_FILE> (or –n<NETWORK_FILE) this is the command is used for the SUMO road network. Then the road networks are mainly built with some netgenerate or a netconvert.
Additional Files
If we add some additional entities in an already constructed network that is important to add one or more additional files. Here the following list consists of some kind of additional files. Mentioning this additional file definition and structures are given some simulation. Then the additional files in the form of <FILE> [, <FILE>]*. The entities are,
Traffic demand (Routes)
The above four topics insist on some input files for the SUMO then we will discuss packages of the SUMO simulator with having a lot of applications we discuss that application in the order of application name: description. Let we will see the packages.
It has some additional tools also that perform the operation that is writing large application is necessary then the solution of many problems covered to the tool. So, these are some basic tool which is used for the SUMO simulator. Let we will go through the file extension in SUMO software and its extension.
Imported and Exported Files for SUMO simulator
Here we consider two types of file extension that are imported files and exported files. Then we separately see each topic.
Exported Files
Imported files
These are some imported and exported file extensions that are used in SUMO software. SUMO simulator has a lot of features to achieve high portability for a then large amount of road network maintenance and control.
Features of SUMO
In the next topic, we will discuss the application areas of the SUMO simulator. Let us see some application area which is used in the SUMO simulation.
Applications of SUMO Simulator
So, the above list illustrates some applications of the SUMO simulator which is used in our day-to-day life. Mainly, this application is based on road maintenance the basic idea of SUMO is to handle and maintain the large road network with high portability. Finally, we will see about trace file generation in the SUMO.
Trace file generation
We hope this article is very useful to gain your knowledge about one of the modern technology that is the SUMO simulator. For more clarifications kindly contact us.