OMNET++ SMART GRID has great potential as a next-generation power distribution network. Smart grid will integrate power grid technologies and information and communication technologies to generate, transport, distribute and consume energy in a more efficient manner.
Motivation for smart grid simulation:
Operation modes of smart grid environments:
We simulate Omnet++ for client server model in live streaming projects. We provide Omnet++ as live streaming system infrastructure symmetric nodes of P2P system, establish dynamic leaves, failure and join nodes. We handle the issues as bottleneck, network address translation gateway and dynamics are efficiently solved by Omnet++ simulation tool.
OMNeT++ Projects for Engineering students and Research Scholars.
Sample code for smart grid:
void Grid::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (msg==upheavalEvent)
if (!this->inUpheaval)
UNmsg *un = new UNmsg(“New Empire Emerges”);
cModule *targetModule = getParentModule()->getSubmodule(“UN”);
sendDirect(un, targetModule, “in”);
this->inUpheaval = true;
this->getDisplayString().setTagArg(“b”,3, this->overlordColor.c_str());
std::vector gateVector = this->getGateNames();
for (std::vector::iterator it = gateVector.begin() ; it != gateVector.end(); ++it)
char gateName[20];
sprintf(gateName, “%s$o”, *it);
if (this->gate(gateName)->isConnected())
Warmsg *war = new Warmsg(“war”);
send(war, gateName);
this->getDisplayString().setTagArg(“i”, 0, “device/tiger”);
else if (strcmp(msg->getName(),”war”) == 0)
Warmsg *war = check_and_cast(msg);
if (war->getArmyIndex() != this->overlord)
double chanceOfDefeat = par(“chanceOfDefeat”);
double chanceOfDefeatUpheaval = par(“chanceOfDefeatUpheaval”);
double retaliationChance = par(“retaliationChance”);
double odds = this->inUpheaval ? chanceOfDefeatUpheaval : chanceOfDefeat;
if (uniform(0,1) < odds) { this->getDisplayString().setTagArg(“b”,3,war->getArmyColor());
this->overlordColor = war->getArmyColor();
int oldOverlord = this->overlord;
this->overlord = war->getArmyIndex();
this->inUpheaval = true;
cModule *targetModule = getParentModule()->getSubmodule(“UN”);
UNmsg *un = new UNmsg(“Change of government”);
sendDirect(un, targetModule, “in”);
double campaignContinueChance = par(“campaignContinueChance”);
this->getDisplayString().setTagArg(“i”, 0, “device/tiger”);
if (uniform(0,1) < campaignContinueChance) { this->getDisplayString().setTagArg(“i”, 0, “block/broadcast”);
double campaignTime = par(“campaignTime”);
scheduleAt(simTime()+campaignTime, upheavalEvent);
} } }
delete war;
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OMNeT++ Simulator Installation Manual.
We assist Engineering students and PhD Scholars in implementing OMNeT++ Simulator Projects , Thesis.
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