OMNET++ AD-HOC SIMULATION networks are set up for one time occurrences such as conferences or military operations. Ad hoc is defined as “Arranged or happening when necessary and not planned in advanced”.
Features of ad hoc simulation projects:
Download Sample Source code for Ad Hoc simulation.
void IPv4NetworkConfigurator::extractWirelessNeighbors(IPv4Topology& topology, const char *wirelessId, LinkInfo* linkInfo, std::set& interfacesSeen, std::vector& deviceNodesVisited)
for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < topology.getNumNodes(); nodeIndex++) { Node *node = (Node *)topology.getNode(nodeIndex); IInterfaceTable *interfaceTable = node->interfaceTable;
if (interfaceTable)
for (int j = 0; j < interfaceTable->getNumInterfaces(); j++)
InterfaceEntry *interfaceEntry = interfaceTable->getInterface(j);
if (!interfaceEntry->isLoopback() && interfacesSeen.count(interfaceEntry) == 0 && isWirelessInterface(interfaceEntry))
if (!strcmp(getWirelessId(interfaceEntry), wirelessId))
if (!isBridgeNode(node))
InterfaceInfo *interfaceInfo = createInterfaceInfo(topology, node, linkInfo, interfaceEntry);
if (!contains(deviceNodesVisited, node))
extractDeviceNeighbors(topology, node, linkInfo, interfacesSeen, deviceNodesVisited);
} } } } } } }
Applications of ad hoc network:
Research on ad hoc network:
Introduction to OMNeT++ Simulator
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