As the matter of fact, Inet is considered as the significance about the installation of Inet in OMNeT++. Let’s see how Inet is functional in the OMNeT++.
Step: 1 Download Inet
We have to download Inet based packages over the URL that is enlisted below.
Additionally, we have to store the downloaded packages in the work directory as mentioned in the following image.
Step: 2 Start OMNeT++ IDE
Then, the following command is implemented to start the OMNeT++ process.
Step: 3 Import Inet
Following that, the Inet packages have to be imported through the below mentioned steps.
File -> Import -> Existing Projects to the work directory.
When it is imported, the name of project should be appeared as INET as similar as mentioned in the following image.
Step: 4 Installation of Inet
Finally, the Inet is installed through right clicking the package and selecting the build option.
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