To implement the Network Privacy in OMNeT++, we have to develop mechanisms which protect the privacy, integrity and anonymity of network communications. It can contain encrypting data, anonymizing network traffic and making sure that sensitive information is not revealed during transmission.
Here, we provide the demonstration process of Network Privacy in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Example NED file:
network PrivacyNetwork
host1: StandardHost;
host2: StandardHost;
router1: Router;
router2: Router;
attacker: StandardHost; // Potential eavesdropper
host1.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> router1.ethg++;
router1.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> router2.ethg++;
router2.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> host2.ethg++;
attacker.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> router1.ethg++; // Attacker connected to network
Example encryption and decryption logic:
class EncryptionModule : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (Packet *pkt = dynamic_cast<Packet*>(msg)) {
if (pkt->isSelfMessage()) {
} else {
send(pkt, “out”);
void encryptPacket(Packet *pkt) {
EV << “Encrypting packet: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
// Dummy encryption logic; replace with real encryption
pkt->setByteLength(pkt->getByteLength() + 16); // Add encryption overhead
void decryptPacket(Packet *pkt) {
EV << “Decrypting packet: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
// Dummy decryption logic; replace with real decryption
pkt->setByteLength(pkt->getByteLength() – 16); // Remove encryption overhead
Example .ini file configuration:
**.host*.app[0].typename = “EncryptionModule”
**.router*.app[0].typename = “EncryptionModule”
Example of a simple anonymization technique:
class AnonymizationModule : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (Packet *pkt = dynamic_cast<Packet*>(msg)) {
send(pkt, “out”);
void anonymizePacket(Packet *pkt) {
EV << “Anonymizing packet: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
// Replace real source and destination with anonymous addresses
Example .ini file configuration:
**.router*.app[0].typename = “AnonymizationModule”
Example eavesdropping module:
class Eavesdropper : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (Packet *pkt = dynamic_cast<Packet*>(msg)) {
EV << “Eavesdropper intercepted packet: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
send(pkt, “out”);
void analyzePacket(Packet *pkt) {
// Dummy analysis logic; replace with real analysis
EV << “Analyzing packet contents: ” << pkt->getByteLength() << ” bytes” << endl;
Example .ini file configuration:
**[0].typename = “Eavesdropper”
Example of recording results:
**.host*.app[0].recordScalar = true
**.router*.app[0].recordScalar = true
**[0].recordScalar = true
Example of enhancing encryption:
void EncryptionModule::encryptPacket(Packet *pkt) {
EV << “Encrypting packet with advanced algorithm: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
// Replace with a more advanced encryption algorithm
pkt->setByteLength(pkt->getByteLength() + 32); // Example: more encryption overhead
Additional Considerations:
In Conclusion, we successfully offered the essential processes like defining the network topology, configuring data encryption for privacy purpose, executing traffic anonymization with snippet codes. By doing these steps, we can implement the network privacy in OMNeT++ and you can also extend their functionalities, if needed.
To Implement Network Privacy in OMNeT++ Our developers will help you with detailed information share us your project details for more guidance. Get encrypting data, anonymizing network traffic done by our team.