To implement the industrial control system (ICS) security in OMNeT++ contains mimicking a network that denotes a usual industrial control environment, like a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system, and presenting security mechanisms to protect it. Stay in touch with us for best implementation guidance. The following is an example of how to set up and implement ICS security in OMNeT++.
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Initial, make a network topology that denotes an ICS environment. It might contain sensors, controllers (PLCs), a Human-Machine Interface (HMI), and a central SCADA server.
network ICSecurityNetwork
sensor1: StandardHost {
sensor2: StandardHost {
plc1: StandardHost {
plc2: StandardHost {
scadaServer: StandardHost {
hmi: StandardHost {
sensor1.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> plc1.ethg++;
sensor2.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> plc2.ethg++;
plc1.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> scadaServer.ethg++;
plc2.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> scadaServer.ethg++;
scadaServer.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> hmi.ethg++;
In various ICS networks, protocols like DNP3, or OPC-UA, Modbus are used for communication. For simplicity, we can make a basic custom protocol to mimic communication among sensors, PLCs, and the SCADA server.
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/applications/tcpapp/TcpAppBase.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class ICSProtocolApp : public TcpAppBase
virtual void initialize(int stage) override;
virtual void handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) override;
void sendSensorData();
void controlPLC();
void ICSProtocolApp::initialize(int stage)
if (strcmp(getParentModule()->getName(), “sensor1”) == 0 || strcmp(getParentModule()->getName(), “sensor2”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1, new cMessage(“sendSensorData”));
} else if (strcmp(getParentModule()->getName(), “scadaServer”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 2, new cMessage(“controlPLC”));
void ICSProtocolApp::handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg)
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “sendSensorData”) == 0) {
delete msg;
} else if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “controlPLC”) == 0) {
delete msg;
} else {
void ICSProtocolApp::sendSensorData()
EV << “Sending sensor data to PLC…” << endl;
sendRequest(“SensorData: Value=123\r\n”);
void ICSProtocolApp::controlPLC()
EV << “Sending control command to PLC…” << endl;
sendRequest(“ControlCommand: StartMotor\r\n”);
Present security mechanisms like authentication, encryption, intrusion detection, and to protect the ICS network. Given below is a simple intrusion detection system (IDS) to observe traffic and detect anomalies.
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”
#include “inet/common/packet/Packet.h”
#include “inet/networklayer/ipv4/Ipv4Header_m.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class ICSSecurityModule : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void analyzePacket(Packet *packet);
void logSecurityEvent(const std::string &event);
void ICSSecurityModule::initialize()
EV << “ICS Security Module Initialized” << endl;
void ICSSecurityModule::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (Packet *packet = dynamic_cast<Packet *>(msg)) {
send(msg, “out”);
void ICSSecurityModule::analyzePacket(Packet *packet)
const auto& networkHeader = packet->peekAtFront<Ipv4Header>();
std::string source = networkHeader->getSrcAddress().str();
std::string destination = networkHeader->getDestAddress().str();
// Example: Detect unexpected communication between PLCs
if (source.find(“plc”) != std::string::npos && destination.find(“plc”) != std::string::npos) {
logSecurityEvent(“Anomalous PLC-to-PLC communication detected from ” + source + ” to ” + destination);
// Example: Detect malformed packets (for simplicity, assume packets over 1000 bytes are suspicious)
if (packet->getByteLength() > 1000) {
logSecurityEvent(“Suspiciously large packet detected from ” + source + ” to ” + destination);
void ICSSecurityModule::logSecurityEvent(const std::string &event)
EV << “ICS Security Event: ” << event << endl;
// Additional logging to files or alerts can be implemented here
Integrate the ICSSecurityModule into the ICS network to observe traffic and detect potential security issues.
network ICSecurityNetwork
sensor1: StandardHost {
sensor2: StandardHost {
plc1: StandardHost {
plc2: StandardHost {
scadaServer: StandardHost {
hmi: StandardHost {
securityModule: ICSSecurityModule {
sensor1.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> plc1.ethg++;
sensor2.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> plc2.ethg++;
plc1.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> scadaServer.ethg++;
plc2.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> scadaServer.ethg++;
scadaServer.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> hmi.ethg++; <–> plc1.ethg++;
securityModule.out++ <–> scadaServer.ethg++;
Mimic a common ICS attack, like a command injection or a replay attack, by changing the behaviour of one of the PLCs or by presenting a malicious actor in the network.
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/applications/tcpapp/TcpAppBase.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class ICSAttackSimulation : public TcpAppBase
virtual void initialize(int stage) override;
virtual void handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) override;
void simulateCommandInjection();
void simulateReplayAttack();
void ICSAttackSimulation::initialize(int stage)
scheduleAt(simTime() + 3, new cMessage(“commandInjection”));
scheduleAt(simTime() + 5, new cMessage(“replayAttack”));
void ICSAttackSimulation::handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg)
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “commandInjection”) == 0) {
delete msg;
} else if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “replayAttack”) == 0) {
delete msg;
} else {
void ICSAttackSimulation::simulateCommandInjection()
EV << “Simulating command injection attack on PLC…” << endl;
sendRequest(“ControlCommand: StopMotor\r\n”); // Malicious command
void ICSAttackSimulation::simulateReplayAttack()
EV << “Simulating replay attack…” << endl;
sendRequest(“ReplayData: OldSensorValue=456\r\n”); // Replaying old sensor data
Compile and run the simulation in OMNeT++. The ICSSecurityModule will view traffic, log security events, and detect anomalies. We can watch how the system responds to the simulated attacks.
Verify the OMNeT++ simulation log to see the security events detected by the ICSSecurityModule. View for logs relevant to the command injection or replay attack and assess the efficiency of the security measures in detecting and mitigating these threats.
We can extend this basic ICS security setup by:
This paper was elaborated the process to execute the Industrial Control Security using in OMNeT++. We will provide complete informations based on your requirements.