To import Tkenv packages in omnet++ we will explain in detail about it in this page. Tkenv Framework is a user-friendly interface designed for OMNeT++ simulations, much like Qtenv, but it uses the Tk toolkit. It creates a simpler and lighter environment for running and visualizing simulations when compared to Qtenv. Tkenv includes important features that help users interact with and manage simulations, making it a great option for those who want a straightforward and less demanding interface. Some of the main features of Tkenv are that it allows users to start, stop, pause, and step through simulations, giving them control over how the simulation runs. It also provides a basic visual layout of the network, displaying modules, connections, and message flows. Additionally, users can check and change the properties of simulation modules, like parameters, gates, and connections, while the simulation is running. Get in touch with we are here to guide you till end of your research.
Installation steps of Tkenv Framework.
2.OMNET++ 4.6 Installation:
Framework importation:
2.Download the INET Framework:
Next, we need to download the INET Framework version 3.3.0 from the below link.
3.Import Framework in Omnet++:
Next, we need to import the INET Framework in the OMNET++ IDE. First of all, Click File button at the top of the Omnet++ IDE, you can see the Import Option in the File Dialog and Click it.
Then Click General option and you can see the dropdown option, then click Existing Projects into Workspace and Finally Click Next Button to proceed to next process.
Here we need to select the INET archived file to import this frame work.
Here, you can see the INET Framework Imported Successfully as “inet” folder in the OMNET++ IDE.
4.INET Building Process:
Next, we need to build the INET folder to make INET Framework to work in the OMNET++ 4.6 IDE. Right Click the INET folders and Click the Build Project Option to build the INET Framework.
Here We successfully built and imported the INET Framework in the OMNET++ IDE.
5.Executing the Example Tkenv Framework Program:
Then we need to run the Example Tkenv Framework program to view output of the program. Firstly, we need to locate to the “/inet/examples/manetrouting/multiradio” to find the example program in the INET Folder.
Next click the “omnetpp.ini” file and Configuration of the example MiXiM Program.
Next, Right Click the omnetpp.ini file, click the Run As and then Click the OMNeT++ Simulation.
If you got any prompt, then Click the OK button to build and Simulate the Example program.
Here, we highlighted Tkenv in the console because earlier version of omnet++ below 5 version follows the Tkenv for Gui Interface for network Topology that will show the communication process.
Click the Any Configuration in the Omnet++ Ide to select the Configuration for the Example Program Simulation.
Click the Run Button in the Omnet++ Ide to simulate the Example Program.
Simulation Completed Successfully Using the Tkenv Framework Example.