To import LIBOPENSCENEGRAPH-dev packages in omnet++ you have to follow the steps that are listed below. The libopenscenegraph-dev package serves as a development resource for OpenSceneGraph (OSG), which is an open-source toolkit designed for high-performance 3D graphics. OpenSceneGraph offers an extensive array of tools for the development of real-time 3D applications, encompassing simulations, gaming, and virtual reality settings. This package contains essential libraries and header files required for creating applications that utilize OpenSceneGraph. It enables developers to incorporate OSG’s robust 3D rendering functionalities into their projects, facilitating advanced features such as terrain rendering, scene management, and real-time visual effects. Get best research ideas and project topics from us.
Installation guidelines of Libopenscenegraph-dev compiler.
INSTALL DEPENDENCIES OF Libopenscenegraph-dev:
2.System File Update Command:
First of all, we need to updates the list of available packages and their versions stored in the system’s package index. Use below command to update the system package.
Command: “sudo apt-get update”
3.Libopenscenegraph-dev Installation Command:
Next, we need to install Libopenscenegraph-dev package in the ubuntu system. Use below command to install the Libopenscenegraph-dev package.
Command: “sudo apt install libopenscenegraph-dev”
If it prompt, then Click Y to install the additional package.
Libopenscenegraph-dev package Installed successfully in the Ubuntu 18.04 system.