To implement the wide area networks (WAN) in OMNet++ has needs to encompass to generate the network that distances the larger geographical areas that commonly interrelated with numerous local area networks (LANs) or metropolitan area networks (MANs). The given below is the detailed procedures on how to implement the wide area network in OMNet++.
Step-by-Step Procedures:
Example Code Snippets
Here, we provide the sample snippets of what the configuration files will look like:
NED File (WANetwork.ned)
package wanetwork;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.ethernet.EtherSwitch;
network WANetwork {
int numCoreRouters = default(3);
int numEdgeRouters = default(6);
int numSwitches = default(10);
int numEndDevices = default(30);
coreRouter[numCoreRouters]: Router {
edgeRouter[numEdgeRouters]: Router {
switch[numSwitches]: EtherSwitch {
endDevice[numEndDevices]: StandardHost {
// Connect core routers
for i=0..numCoreRouters-2 {
coreRouter[i].pppg++ <–> coreRouter[i+1].pppg++;
coreRouter[numCoreRouters-1].pppg++ <–> coreRouter[0].pppg++;
// Connect edge routers to core routers
for i=0..numEdgeRouters-1 {
edgeRouter[i].pppg++ <–> coreRouter[i % numCoreRouters].pppg++;
// Connect switches to edge routers
for i=0..numSwitches-1 {
switch[i].pppg++ <–> edgeRouter[i % numEdgeRouters].pppg++;
// Connect end devices to switches
for i=0..numEndDevices-1 {
endDevice[i].ethg++ <–> switch[i % numSwitches].ethg++;
INI File (omnetpp.ini)
network = wanetwork.WANetwork
sim-time-limit = 1000s
*.coreRouter*.ppp[*].bitrate = 10Gbps
*.edgeRouter*.ppp[*].bitrate = 1Gbps
*.switch*.eth[*].bitrate = 1Gbps
*.endDevice*.eth[0].bitrate = 100Mbps
*.endDevice*.numApps = 1
*.endDevice*.app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
*.endDevice*.app[0].destAddresses = “endDevice[*]”
*.endDevice*.app[0].destPort = 5000
*.endDevice*.app[0].messageLength = 1000B
*.endDevice*.app[0].sendInterval = exponential(1s)
Here, we clearly see the comprehensive procedures to how to evaluate the larger geographical area that interconnected with LAN and MAN using OMNet++. We will plan to share more information regarding the wide area network.
We specialize in local area networks (LANs) and metropolitan area networks (MANs). Share your project details with us, and we will provide you with simulation results and guidance. Additionally, we offer implementation of Wide Area Networks using the OMNeT++ tool.