To implement Visual Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) in OMNeT++ has several steps that include emulating a system where visual data is routed via LEDs and received by photodetectors or cameras. This approach is commonly used in Visible Light Communication (VLC) systems. The Visual MIMO is a communication method where multiple visual signals, usually transmitted through LEDs and received by photodiodes or cameras, are used to optimize the data transmission rates.
We can see how to implement the Visual MIMO in OMNeT++ with examples:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Step 1: Set Up the OMNeT++ Environment
Make sure that OMNeT++ and essential libraries, like INET, are installed. Meanwhile Visual MIMO is a moderately in a particular area, we might need to expand existing modules or generate custom modules to model the optical communication aspects.
Step 2: Define the Visual MIMO Node
Describe nodes that signify the Visual MIMO transmitter and receiver and the transmitter node will have multiple LEDs, while the receiver node will have multiple photodetectors or a camera.
Example Visual MIMO Node Definition
module VisualMIMONode
@display(“i=block/lightbulb”); // Icon for better visualization
inout optical; // Optical communication gate
transmitter: <default(“VisualMIMOTransmitter”)>; // Transmitter module with LEDs
receiver: <default(“VisualMIMOReceiver”)>; // Receiver module with photodetectors
optical <–> transmitter.opticalOut; // Connect the optical gate to the transmitter
optical <–> receiver.opticalIn; // Connect the optical gate to the receiver
Step 3: Create the Visual MIMO Network Scenario
State a network scenario where multiple Visual MIMO transmitters and receivers are placed in the scenario to emulate the interaction through visible light.
Example Visual MIMO Network Scenario Definition
network VisualMIMONetwork
transmitter1: VisualMIMONode;
receiver1: VisualMIMONode;
connections allowunconnected:
transmitter1.optical <–> IdealOpticalLink <–> receiver1.optical;
Step 4: Implement Visual MIMO Communication Logic
To execute the logic for Visual MIMO communication and this contains to mimic the transmission of data through LEDs and the reception of this data by photodetectors.
Example Transmitter Logic (Simplified)
class VisualMIMOTransmitter : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void sendVisualSignal();
simtime_t sendInterval;
void VisualMIMOTransmitter::initialize()
// Schedule the first visual signal transmission
sendInterval = par(“sendInterval”);
scheduleAt(simTime() + sendInterval, new cMessage(“sendSignal”));
void VisualMIMOTransmitter::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “sendSignal”) == 0)
// Schedule the next visual signal transmission
scheduleAt(simTime() + sendInterval, msg);
delete msg;
void VisualMIMOTransmitter::sendVisualSignal()
// Create and send a visual signal to the receiver
cMessage *signal = new cMessage(“VisualMIMOSignal”);
signal->setByteLength(par(“signalSize”)); // Set signal size, e.g., 512 bytes
send(signal, “optical$o”);
Example Receiver Logic (Simplified)
class VisualMIMOReceiver : public cSimpleModule
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void processVisualSignal(cMessage *msg);
void VisualMIMOReceiver::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “VisualMIMOSignal”) == 0)
delete msg;
void VisualMIMOReceiver::processVisualSignal(cMessage *msg)
// Process the received visual signal
EV << “Received visual signal with size: ” << msg->getByteLength() << ” bytes” << endl;
Step 5: Configure the Simulation Parameters
Setup the simulation metrics in the .ini file, like the signal size, send intervals, and any other relevant metrics.
Example Configuration in the .ini File
network = VisualMIMONetwork
sim-time-limit = 300s
# Signal transmission parameters
*.transmitter1.transmitter.sendInterval = 0.1s # Interval between visual signals
*.transmitter1.transmitter.signalSize = 512B # Signal size of 512 bytes
# Optical communication parameters (hypothetical, as OMNeT++ typically doesn’t have built-in optical support)
*.transmitter1.transmitter.opticalPower = 10mW
*.receiver1.receiver.opticalSensitivity = -30dBm
Step 6: Run the Simulation
Compile and execute the simulation. During the simulation, monitor how the Visual MIMO transmitter sends signals through LEDs and how the receiver internments and processes these signals.
Step 7: Analyse the Results
To Assess the performance of the Visual MIMO communication system using OMNeT++’s analysis tools. Analyse metrics such as:
Step 8: Extend the Simulation (Optional)
We can expand the simulation by:
Here, we clearly understood and get knowledge how the Visual Multiple-Input Multiple-Output will performs and execute in the OMNeT++ tool and also if you have any doubts regarding the Visual Multiple-Input Multiple-Output we will support and provide it.
To successfully implement Visual MIMO in OMNeT++, it is essential to provide us with the details of your project. Our developers can enhance the simulation performance for your projects. They specialize in handling various visual signals to deliver optimal results.