To implementing virus detection in OMNeT++ has needs to emulate the network settings where numerous nodes like servers, workstations, and network devices can be vulnerable to virus infections and the aim is to mimic the detection and response to such infections, that usually through approaches such as signature-based detection, behaviour analysis, or anomaly detection. The below are the procedures on how to implement the virus detection in OMNeT++:
Steps to Implement Virus Detection in OMNeT++
simple WorkstationModule
inout ethg;
simple ServerModule
inout ethg;
simple VirusDetectorModule
inout monitorGate;
network VirusDetectionNetwork
workstation: WorkstationModule;
server: ServerModule;
detector: VirusDetectorModule;
switch: EthernetSwitch;
workstation.ethg <–> switch.ethg[0];
server.ethg <–> switch.ethg[1];
switch.ethg[2] –> detector.monitorGate; // Mirror traffic to the virus detector
class WorkstationModule : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override {
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“startTime”), new cMessage(“generateTraffic”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “generateTraffic”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“interval”), msg);
} else {
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
delete pkt;
void generateTraffic() {
cPacket *normalPkt = new cPacket(“normalTraffic”);
send(normalPkt, “ethg$o”);
if (uniform(0, 1) < par(“virusProbability”)) {
cPacket *virusPkt = new cPacket(“virusPayload”);
virusPkt->addPar(“isVirus”) = true;
send(virusPkt, “ethg$o”);
EV << “Simulating virus activity” << endl;
class VirusDetectorModule : public cSimpleModule {
int virusDetections = 0;
int falsePositives = 0;
int falseNegatives = 0;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
cPacket *pkt = check_and_cast<cPacket*>(msg);
if (detectVirus(pkt)) {
EV << “Virus detected in packet: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
} else if (pkt->par(“isVirus”).boolValue()) {
EV << “Missed virus detection in packet: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
} else {
EV << “False positive detected in packet: ” << pkt->getName() << endl;
delete pkt;
bool detectVirus(cPacket *pkt) {
if (strcmp(pkt->getName(), “virusPayload”) == 0) {
return true;
// Add additional detection logic here
return false;
virtual void finish() override {
recordScalar(“Virus Detections”, virusDetections);
recordScalar(“False Positives”, falsePositives);
recordScalar(“False Negatives”, falseNegatives);
EV << “Virus Detections: ” << virusDetections << endl;
EV << “False Positives: ” << falsePositives << endl;
EV << “False Negatives: ” << falseNegatives << endl;
virtual void finish() override {
EV << “Total Virus Detections: ” << virusDetections << endl;
EV << “Total False Positives: ” << falsePositives << endl;
EV << “Total False Negatives: ” << falseNegatives << endl;
Example Scenario: Virus Propagation and Detection
In a more complex scenario, we can mimic the propagation of a virus across multiple network nodes and measure how quickly and precisely detection system can classify and contain the infection and this includes modelling the virus’s spreading behaviour and how numerous the nodes respond to detection alerts.
In the conclusion, we clearly understood and get knowledge on implementation process for identify the virus in the several of devices that were executed using the OMNeT++ tool. We also deliver more information on how the virus detection will perform in other simulation tool.
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