To implement the video conferencing in OMNeT++, we have to simulate the exchange of video and audio data amongst numerous participants in a network environment. It requires modeling the data streams, network protocols and managing of realistic media. Follow the below guide on how to implement and execute this in OMNeT++.
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Example .ned file:
network VideoConferencingNetwork {
client1: StandardHost {
client2: StandardHost {
client3: StandardHost {
server: StandardHost {
router: Router {
client1.ethg++ <–> Ethernet100M <–> router.pppg++;
client2.ethg++ <–> Ethernet100M <–> router.pppg++;
client3.ethg++ <–> Ethernet100M <–> router.pppg++;
router.pppg++ <–> Ethernet1G <–> server.ethg++;
This network has three clients and a server connected through a router. The server could denote a media server or a conference bridge.
Example of a basic video stream simulation:
class VideoStreamApp : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void sendVideoFrame();
void VideoStreamApp::initialize()
scheduleAt(simTime() + 0.04, new cMessage(“sendFrame”)); // Simulate 25 FPS
void VideoStreamApp::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “sendFrame”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 0.04, msg); // Schedule next frame
void VideoStreamApp::sendVideoFrame()
cPacket *frame = new cPacket(“videoFrame”);
frame->setByteLength(50000); // Example: 50 KB per frame
send(frame, “out”);
EV << “Sent video frame at ” << simTime() << endl;
This module simulates the transmission of video frames at 25 frames per second, with each frame being 50 KB.
Similarly, you can implement an audio stream:
class AudioStreamApp : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void sendAudioPacket();
void AudioStreamApp::initialize()
scheduleAt(simTime() + 0.02, new cMessage(“sendPacket”)); // Simulate 50 packets per second (20 ms per packet)
void AudioStreamApp::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “sendPacket”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 0.02, msg); // Schedule next packet
void AudioStreamApp::sendAudioPacket()
cPacket *packet = new cPacket(“audioPacket”);
packet->setByteLength(160); // Example: 160 bytes per packet
send(packet, “out”);
EV << “Sent audio packet at ” << simTime() << endl;
This module simulates the transmission of audio packets at 50 packets per second.
Example .ini file configuration:
[Config VideoConferencingSimulation]
network = VideoConferencingNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
*.client1.numApps = 2
*[0].typename = “VideoStreamApp”
*[1].typename = “AudioStreamApp”
*.client2.numApps = 2
*[0].typename = “VideoStreamApp”
*[1].typename = “AudioStreamApp”
*.client3.numApps = 2
*[0].typename = “VideoStreamApp”
*[1].typename = “AudioStreamApp”
*.server.numApps = 2
*[0].typename = “VideoStreamApp”
*[1].typename = “AudioStreamApp”
This configuration arranges each client and the server to send both video and audio streams.
Example of introducing packet loss:
*.router.pppg[*].queue.packetLossProbability = 0.01 # 1% packet loss
This configuration persents a 1% packet loss probability on the router.
The above demonstration has a step-by-step guide to help you implement a basic video conferencing simulation in OMNeT++ by generating a network topology and configuring the models of video and audio streams with examples. We also offered the details for future enhancements. Opt for Implementing Video Conferencing using omnet++ tool we share project ideas in this field get best project topics from our researchers.