To implement the Vehicular Named Data Network (NDN) in OMNeT++ has numerous steps. Here is a high level procedure to start the implementation:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Example Code Snippets
The given below is the sample snippets of what the configuration files might look like:
NED File (VehicularNDN.ned)
package vehicularndn;
import inet.node.adhoc.AdhocHost;
import inet.mobility.single.MassMobility;
import veins.nodes.Vehicle;
network VehicularNDN {
vehicle[10]: Vehicle {
mobility.typename = “MassMobility”;
mobility.initialX = uniform(0, 1000);
mobility.initialY = uniform(0, 1000);
rsu[5]: AdhocHost {
ndnRouter: AdhocHost {
for i=0..9 {
vehicle[i].pppg++ <–> rsu[i % 5].pppg++;
rsu[i % 5].pppg++ <–> ndnRouter.pppg++;
INI File (omnetpp.ini)
network = vehicularndn.VehicularNDN
sim-time-limit = 1000s
*.vehicle*.mobility.speed = uniform(10, 20)mps
*.vehicle*.mobility.updateInterval = 0.1s
*.vehicle*.mobility.constraintAreaMinX = 0m
*.vehicle*.mobility.constraintAreaMaxX = 1000m
*.vehicle*.mobility.constraintAreaMinY = 0m
*.vehicle*.mobility.constraintAreaMaxY = 1000m
*.rsu*.numVehicles = 10
# Additional parameters for NDN functionality, traffic generation, and node properties
In the above script, we all get the awareness about how to implement and execute the Vehicular Named Data Network in OMNeT++ simulator tool. We will describe how the Vehicular Named Data Network is carried out in alternative simulation circumstance.
We have been working on VANET protocols in OMNeT++ and would love to share our simulation results with you. Just send us your project details, and we’ll be happy to assist you further. Additionally, we offer implementation of Vehicular NDN using the OMNeT++ tool.