To implement Vehicle Traffic Analysis in OMNeT++ has encompasses to emulate the vehicular networks, capturing data relevant to vehicle movement, communication, and network performance, and measuring this information to familiarize the traffic patterns, network efficiency, and potential bottlenecks. This is especially helpful for applications such Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in which vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications are critical. The following are the structured approach to implement Vehicle Traffic Analysis in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Example NED file:
network VehicleTrafficNetwork
rsu1: RSU;
rsu2: RSU;
vehicle1: Car;
vehicle2: Car;
vehicle3: Car;
connections allowunconnected:
rsu1.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> rsu2.ethg++;
Example SUMO configuration:
<net-file value=””/>
<route-files value=”routes.rou.xml”/>
<begin value=”0″/>
<end value=”3600″/>
Example communication module in C++:
class VehicleApp : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override {
scheduleAt(simTime() + uniform(1, 5), new cMessage(“sendMsg”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + uniform(1, 5), msg);
} else {
void sendEmergencyMessage() {
EmergencyMessage *emMsg = new EmergencyMessage(“Emergency”);
send(emMsg, “out”);
void handleReceivedMessage(cMessage *msg) {
// Handle the received message
delete msg;
Example .ini configuration:
**.vehicle*.app[0].typename = “VehicleApp”
**.rsu*.app[0].typename = “RSUApp”
Example metrics to capture:
Example data logging in C++:
void VehicleApp::handleReceivedMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (EmergencyMessage *emMsg = dynamic_cast<EmergencyMessage*>(msg)) {
recordScalar(“MessageDelay”, simTime() – emMsg->getCreationTime());
delete emMsg;
} else {
delete msg;
Example .ini file configuration for recording metrics:
**.vehicle*.app[0].recordScalar = true
**.vehicle*.mobility.typename = “TraCIMobility”
Example Python script for data visualization:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = pd.read_csv(‘results/scalars.csv’)
plt.plot(data[‘time’], data[‘MessageDelay’])
plt.xlabel(‘Time (s)’)
plt.ylabel(‘Message Delay (s)’)
plt.title(‘Emergency Message Delivery Delay’)
Example OMNeT++ Configuration:
network = VehicleTrafficNetwork
sim-time-limit = 3600s
**.vehicle*.mobility.typename = “TraCIMobility”
**.vehicle*.mobility.x = uniform(0, 1000)
**.vehicle*.mobility.y = uniform(0, 1000)
**.vehicle*.app[0].typename = “VehicleApp”
**.rsu*.app[0].typename = “RSUApp”
**.vehicle*.app[0].recordScalar = true
Additional Considerations:
In the simulation, we clearly learn and familiarize how to setup the simulation and how to implement the Vehicle Traffic Analysis in OMNeT++ simulation tool. Additional specific details regarding the Vehicle Traffic Analysis will be provided. Our developers work on Vehicle Traffic Analysis in OMNeT++ projects and deliver the finest results. Receive implementation support from us. So, share with us all you project details for more assistance