To implement a traffic analysis attack in OMNeT++ has needs to encompass the network simulation wherever the attacker tries to get the data about the communication patterns or content by evaluating the traffic among the nodes. This contains the timing analysis, volume analysis, or pattern recognition. The given below is the detailed procedures on how to implement the traffic analysis attack in OMNeT++ tool:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Step 1: Set Up the OMNeT++ Environment
Step 2: Define the Network Topology
network TrafficAnalysisNetwork
client1: StandardHost;
client2: StandardHost;
server: StandardHost;
attacker: AttackerNode;
client1.pppg++ <–> { delay = 10ms; datarate = 100Mbps; } <–> server.pppg++;
client2.pppg++ <–> { delay = 10ms; datarate = 100Mbps; } <–> server.pppg++;
attacker.pppg++ <–> { delay = 1ms; datarate = 100Mbps; } <–> client1.pppg++;
attacker.pppg++ <–> { delay = 1ms; datarate = 100Mbps; } <–> client2.pppg++;
Step 3: Implement the Attacker Node
simple AttackerNode
input fromNetwork;
output toNetwork;
class AttackerNode : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void analyzeTraffic(cPacket *packet);
void AttackerNode::initialize()
// Initialization code here
void AttackerNode::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (auto packet = dynamic_cast<cPacket*>(msg)) {
// Optionally, forward the packet to maintain the network operation
send(packet, “toNetwork”);
} else {
delete msg;
void AttackerNode::analyzeTraffic(cPacket *packet)
EV << “Attacker analyzing packet from ” << packet->getSenderModule()->getFullPath() << endl;
// Example: Log packet size and timestamp
simtime_t timestamp = simTime();
int packetSize = packet->getByteLength();
EV << “Packet size: ” << packetSize << ” bytes, Timestamp: ” << timestamp << endl;
// Perform additional analysis such as:
// – Timing analysis
// – Traffic volume analysis
// – Protocol or pattern recognition
Step 4: Integrate with the Network
void generateTraffic()
// Example: Generate a periodic request from the client to the server
cMessage *msg = new cMessage(“request”);
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“requestInterval”).doubleValue(), msg);
Step 5: Test and Validate
Step 6: Analyse Results
From this page, we had known how the attacker will gain the information among the nodes in the traffic that were implemented in the OMNeT++ tool. More information regarding the traffic analysis attack also provided.
You can get help with implementing a traffic analysis attack in the OMNeT++ tool, including project topics and steps, from our developers. Just send us your project details, and we will assist you further. We handle all nodes that involve timing analysis, volume analysis, or pattern recognition based on your project needs.