To implement a terrestrial relay network in OMNeT++ has encompasses to emulate the network where information is transferred among the nodes using relay nodes to expand the coverage area or improve the communication reliability. Terrestrial relay networks are often used in scenarios like wireless sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), or even in cellular networks to extend coverage. The below are the procedures to execute the terrestrial relay network in OMNeT++ with practical examples:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Source Node Module
simple SourceNode {
out relayOut; // For communication with relay nodes
Destination Node Module
simple DestinationNode {
in relayIn; // For communication with relay nodes
Relay Node Module
simple RelayNode {
in relayIn; // For receiving data from source or another relay
out relayOut; // For forwarding data to destination or another relay
Communication Link Module
// In a .ned file
simple CommunicationLink {
double dataRate @unit(“Mbps”) = default(10); // Data rate of the communication link
double latency @unit(“ms”) = default(10); // Latency of the communication link
in linkIn; // Input from one node
out linkOut; // Output to another node
Source Node Logic in C++
The source node starts interaction by sending a message to the first relay node.
#include <omnetpp.h>
class SourceNode : public omnetpp::cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) override;
void SourceNode::initialize() {
// Create and send the initial message to the relay node
cMessage *msg = new cMessage(“dataPacket”);
send(msg, “relayOut”);
void SourceNode::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
// Handle any responses or acknowledgments (if needed)
delete msg;
Relay Node Logic in C++
The relay node receives a message from the source or another relay node, and forwards it to the next node in the chain.
#include <omnetpp.h>
class RelayNode : public omnetpp::cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) override;
void RelayNode::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
// Forward the message to the next relay node or the destination node
send(msg, “relayOut”);
Destination Node Logic in C++
The destination node receives the final message from the last relay node.
#include <omnetpp.h>
class DestinationNode : public omnetpp::cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) override;
void DestinationNode::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
// Process the received message (e.g., log or display it)
EV << “Message received at destination: ” << msg->getName() << endl;
delete msg;
Terrestrial Relay Network Topology
This sample interconnects a source node to a destination node via two relay nodes.
network TerrestrialRelayNetwork {
source: SourceNode;
relay1: RelayNode;
relay2: RelayNode;
destination: DestinationNode;
link1: CommunicationLink;
link2: CommunicationLink;
link3: CommunicationLink;
connections allowunconnected:
source.relayOut –> link1.linkIn;
link1.linkOut –> relay1.relayIn;
relay1.relayOut –> link2.linkIn;
link2.linkOut –> relay2.relayIn;
relay2.relayOut –> link3.linkIn;
link3.linkOut –> destination.relayIn;
Example: Dynamic Relay Selection
We can adjust the relay node logic to enthusiastically choose the next relay or destination based on particular criteria, like the shortest path or the strongest signal.
void RelayNode::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
// Implement dynamic selection logic here
int nextHop = selectNextHop();
send(msg, “relayOut”, nextHop);
int RelayNode::selectNextHop() {
// Example logic to select the best next hop (e.g., based on signal strength)
// This could involve checking the status of neighboring nodes or links
return 0; // For simplicity, return the first output gate (can be adapted)
In the above following procedures is often support to execute the terrestrial relay network in OMNeT++ that improves the communication reliability. We also provide additional information regarding terrestrial relay network performance in other simulation scenarios. We’re working on terrestrial relay network projects in OMNeT++ that deliver top-notch results. If you need help with implementation, we’ve got your back!.Drop us all your details for more guidance.