To implement a Task Offloading Decision mechanism in OMNeT++ has encompasses to generate the simulation in which the network nodes like mobile devices or edge servers can decide whether to offload the computational tasks to other nodes like edge servers or cloud servers. The decision-making process can be based on different factors that involve the network conditions, computational load, energy consumption, and latency. The below are the procedures to implement the Task Offloading Decision in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Example NED file:
network TaskOffloadingNetwork
mobileDevice1: StandardHost;
mobileDevice2: StandardHost;
edgeServer: StandardHost;
cloudServer: StandardHost;
router: Router;
mobileDevice1.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> router.ethg++;
mobileDevice2.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> router.ethg++;
edgeServer.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> router.ethg++;
cloudServer.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> router.ethg++;
Example task generation:
class MobileApp : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override {
scheduleAt(simTime() + uniform(1, 5), new cMessage(“generateTask”));
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + uniform(1, 5), msg);
void generateTask() {
Task *task = new Task(“Task”);
send(task, “out”);
Example .ini file configuration:
**.mobileDevice*.app[0].typename = “MobileApp”
**.mobileDevice*.app[0].computationCost = 1000
**.mobileDevice*.app[0].dataSize = 10MB
Example offloading decision logic:
class OffloadingManager : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override {
// Initialization code
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (Task *task = dynamic_cast<Task*>(msg)) {
void makeOffloadingDecision(Task *task) {
double localCost = calculateLocalProcessingCost(task);
double offloadingCost = calculateOffloadingCost(task, “edgeServer”);
if (offloadingCost < localCost) {
EV << “Offloading task to edge server” << endl;
send(task, “toEdgeServer”);
} else {
EV << “Processing task locally” << endl;
double calculateLocalProcessingCost(Task *task) {
// Calculate the cost of processing the task locally
return task->getComputationCost() / par(“localProcessingPower”).doubleValue();
double calculateOffloadingCost(Task *task, const char* server) {
// Calculate the cost of offloading the task
double latency = estimateNetworkLatency(server);
double processingTime = task->getComputationCost() / getServerProcessingPower(server);
return latency + processingTime;
double estimateNetworkLatency(const char* server) {
// Dummy latency estimation; replace with real network model
return uniform(10, 50);
double getServerProcessingPower(const char* server) {
// Dummy server processing power; replace with real server data
return 2000.0;
void processTaskLocally(Task *task) {
// Process the task locally
scheduleAt(simTime() + calculateLocalProcessingCost(task), task);
Example task processing on the server:
class ServerApp : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
if (Task *task = dynamic_cast<Task*>(msg)) {
double processingTime = task->getComputationCost() / par(“processingPower”).doubleValue();
scheduleAt(simTime() + processingTime, task);
virtual void finish() override {
// Send result back to mobile device after processing
send(task, “out”);
Example .ini file configuration for server processing:
**[0].typename = “ServerApp”
**[0].processingPower = 2000
**[0].typename = “ServerApp”
**[0].processingPower = 3000
Example of recording results:
**.mobileDevice*.app[0].recordScalar = true
**[0].recordScalar = true
**[0].recordScalar = true
Example of refining the decision logic:
Additional Considerations:
In the end we had simulate the task offloading decision mechanism using the OMNeT++ tool. We provide the more details on how the task offloading decision mechanism will perform in other simulation tool. For those seeking to enhance the performance of Task Offloading Decision within their OMNeT++ project, look no further than, your esteemed partner in this endeavor. We provide you with unparalleled implementation assistance.