To implement a System-on-Chip (SoC) simulation in OMNeT++ has needs to design and modelling the internal architecture of a SoC that has contains the processors, memory, interconnects, and peripherals. The given below are the procedures to execute the implementing a basic SoC simulation in OMNeT++ with practical examples.
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Example: Basic Processor Module
simple Processor {
double clockFrequency @unit(“GHz”) = default(1.0); // Example parameter
inout dataIn; // For receiving data
inout dataOut; // For sending data
// Processor-specific parameters and gates
Example: Memory Module
simple Memory {
int memorySize @unit(“MB”) = default(1024); // Example parameter
inout memIn; // For receiving data requests
inout memOut; // For sending data responses
// Memory-specific parameters and gates
Example: Processor Logic in C++
#include <omnetpp.h>
class Processor : public omnetpp::cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) override;
void Processor::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
// Simulate processing delay
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1 / par(“clockFrequency”).doubleValue(), msg);
// Example: Forward the message after processing
send(msg, “dataOut”);
Example: Memory Logic in C++
#include <omnetpp.h>
class Memory : public omnetpp::cSimpleModule {
virtual void handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) override;
void Memory::handleMessage(omnetpp::cMessage *msg) {
// Simulate memory access delay
scheduleAt(simTime() + 0.001, msg); // Example delay
// Example: Send the response back
send(msg, “memOut”);
Example: Bus Interconnect Logic
simple Bus {
inout port[4]; // Example bus with 4 ports for simplicity
// Connect components to the bus
port[0] <–> port[1];
port[2] <–> port[3];
// Additional bus-specific logic
Example: System Integration in NED
network SoC {
cpu: Processor {
clockFrequency = 2.0; // 2 GHz CPU
ram: Memory {
memorySize = 4096; // 4 GB RAM
bus: Bus;
connections allowunconnected:
cpu.dataOut –> bus.port[0];
ram.memIn <– bus.port[1];
bus.port[2] –> ram.memOut;
cpu.dataIn <– bus.port[3];
Example Use Case: Data Processing Workflow
In the entire module, we had clearly known how to mimic the system-on-chip in the OMNeT++ tool. We provide more information related to the system-on-chip.
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