To implement submarine data transmission in OMNeT++ has emulate the communication among the underwater vehicles such as submarines or underwater sensors, using acoustic, optical, or other underwater communication technologies. An Underwater communication is relatively different from terrestrial or aerial communication because of the novel difficulties posed by the underwater environment, like high attenuation, limited bandwidth, and long propagation delays. The below are the procedures on how to implementing submarine data transmission in OMNeT++ with examples:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Step 1: Set Up the OMNeT++ Environment
Make sure that OMNeT++ and essential libraries, like INET or a specialized underwater communication framework such as Aqua-Sim (if you have access to it), are installed and configured appropriately. Aqua-Sim is a network simulator that particular designed for underwater sensor networks and can be incoporated with OMNeT++.
Step 2: Define the Underwater Node
State a node that signifies an underwater vehicle or sensor. This node will have a communication interface capable of mimic the underwater communication, like acoustic or optical communication.
Example Underwater Node Definition
module UnderwaterNode
@display(“i=block/ship”); // Icon for better visualization
inout acoustic; // Acoustic communication gate
acousticModem: <default(“AcousticModem”)>; // Acoustic modem for communication
mobility: <default(“LinearMobility”)>; // Mobility model for movement
acoustic <–> acousticModem.radioIn; // Connect the acoustic gate to the modem
Step 3: Create the Submarine Network Scenario
Describe a network scenario where multiple underwater nodes interact with each other while possibly passing via the underwater environment.
Example Submarine Network Scenario Definition
network SubmarineNetwork
submarine1: UnderwaterNode;
submarine2: UnderwaterNode;
submarine3: UnderwaterNode;
connections allowunconnected:
submarine1.acoustic <–> IdealAcousticLink <–> submarine2.acoustic;
submarine2.acoustic <–> IdealAcousticLink <–> submarine3.acoustic;
submarine3.acoustic <–> IdealAcousticLink <–> submarine1.acoustic;
Step 4: Implement Mobility and Communication Logic
Execute the mobility and communication logic within the underwater nodes and this encompasses to configure the mobility model to emulate the movement of submarines and managing the transmission and reception of messages using acoustic communication.
Example Mobility and Communication Logic (Simplified)
Mobility Configuration:
simple LinearMobility extends MobilityBase {
double updateInterval = default(0.1s);
double speed = default(uniform(1mps, 3mps)); // Speed in meters per second
double depth = default(uniform(50m, 200m)); // Depth range in meters
Communication Logic:
class UnderwaterVehicle : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void sendAcousticPacket();
simtime_t sendInterval;
void UnderwaterVehicle::initialize()
// Schedule the first acoustic packet transmission
sendInterval = par(“sendInterval”);
scheduleAt(simTime() + sendInterval, new cMessage(“sendPacket”));
void UnderwaterVehicle::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “sendPacket”) == 0)
// Schedule the next packet transmission
scheduleAt(simTime() + sendInterval, msg);
// Handle incoming messages, such as data packets from other submarines
EV << “Received packet from another underwater vehicle.” << endl;
delete msg;
void UnderwaterVehicle::sendAcousticPacket()
// Create and send a data packet to other submarines
cMessage *pkt = new cMessage(“SubmarinePacket”);
pkt->setByteLength(par(“packetSize”)); // Set packet size, e.g., 512 bytes
send(pkt, “acoustic$o”);
Step 5: Configure the Simulation Parameters
Setup the simulation parameters in the .ini file, like the packet sizes, send intervals, mobility parameters, and communication environment.
Example Configuration in the .ini File
network = SubmarineNetwork
sim-time-limit = 300s
# Mobility parameters for underwater vehicles
*.submarine*.mobility.updateInterval = 0.1s
*.submarine*.mobility.speed = uniform(1mps, 3mps)
*.submarine*.mobility.depth = uniform(50m, 200m)
# Acoustic communication parameters
*.submarine* = 50W
*.submarine* = 1Kbps
# Packet transmission parameters
*.submarine*.sendInterval = 5s # Interval between packet transmissions
*.submarine*.packetSize = 512B # Packet size of 512 bytes
Step 6: Run the Simulation
Compile and execute the simulation. Monitor how the underwater vehicles move based on the mobility model and how they interact by sending and receiving packets using the acoustic communication model.
Step 7: Analyse the Results
To assess the performance of the submarine communication network use OMNeT++’s analysis tools. Evaluate metrics such as:
Step 8: Extend the Simulation (Optional)
We can expand the simulation by:
In this demonstration, we completely know how to implement the basic setup simulation and to know how to execute the submarine data transmission in OMNeT++ simulator tool. If you have any query regarding this process we also help to clarify it.
In order to implement submarine data transmission in OMNeT++, it is essential to provide us with the specifics of your project. Our developers can assist you in achieving optimal simulation performance tailored to your needs. We specialize in various underwater environments characterized by high attenuation, restricted bandwidth, and extended propagation delays. Therefore, reach out to us for superior results.