To Implement the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) in OMNeT++ has generate the emulation design wherever an SMTP client commonly a mail user agent, MUA that interacts communicates with an SMTP server that frequently in a mail transfer agent, MTA over a network. This execution needs to describe essential modules for the SMTP client and server, manage the connection establishment, sending email messages, and closing the connection. The given below are the detailed procedures on how to implement the SMTP in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Step 1: Set Up the OMNeT++ Environment
Step 2: Create a New OMNeT++ Project
Step 3: Understand SMTP Basics
Before proceeding with the implementation, understand yourself with the core concepts of SMTP:
Step 4: Define the Network Topology in OMNeT++
network SMTPNetwork
client: StandardHost;
server: StandardHost;
router: Router;
client.ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> router.ethg++;
server.ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> router.ethg++;
Step 5: Implement SMTP Protocol
Example (in NED):
simple SMTPClient
inout tcpIn;
inout tcpOut;
simple SMTPServer
inout tcpIn;
inout tcpOut;
Example (in C++):
void SMTPClient::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
} else if (msg->arrivedOn(“tcpIn”)) {
void SMTPClient::initiateConnection() {
TCPSocket *socket = new TCPSocket();
socket->setCallbackObject(this, nullptr);
socket->connect(IPAddressResolver().resolve(“server”), 25); // Port 25 for SMTP
void SMTPClient::handleServerResponse(cMessage *msg) {
TCPSegment *tcpSegment = check_and_cast<TCPSegment *>(msg);
if (tcpSegment->getPayload()) {
std::string response = tcpSegment->getPayload()->str();
// Process server’s response and send the next command
if (response.find(“220”) != std::string::npos) {
// Send HELO command
} else if (response.find(“250”) != std::string::npos) {
// Handle MAIL FROM, RCPT TO, etc.
Example (in C++):
void SMTPServer::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg->arrivedOn(“tcpIn”)) {
void SMTPServer::handleClientRequest(cMessage *msg) {
TCPSegment *tcpSegment = check_and_cast<TCPSegment *>(msg);
std::string request = tcpSegment->getPayload()->str();
if (request.find(“HELO”) != std::string::npos) {
sendResponse(250, “OK”);
} else if (request.find(“MAIL FROM”) != std::string::npos) {
// Process MAIL FROM and send a response
} else if (request.find(“RCPT TO”) != std::string::npos) {
// Process RCPT TO and send a response
} else if (request.find(“DATA”) != std::string::npos) {
// Handle the message data
sendResponse(354, “Start mail input”);
void SMTPServer::sendResponse(int code, const std::string &message) {
std::ostringstream response;
response << code << ” ” << message;
TCPSegment *responseSegment = new TCPSegment();
send(responseSegment, “tcpOut”);
Example (in C++):
class SMTPMessage : public cMessage {
std::string command;
std::string argument;
Step 6: Configure the Simulation
network = SMTPNetwork
*.client.numTcpApps = 1
*.client.tcpApp[0].typename = “TCPGenericCliApp”
*.client.tcpApp[0].localPort = -1
*.client.tcpApp[0].connectAddress = “server”
*.client.tcpApp[0].connectPort = 25
*.server.numTcpApps = 1
*.server.tcpApp[0].typename = “TCPGenericSrvApp”
*.server.tcpApp[0].localPort = 25
Step 7: Simulate and Test SMTP
Step 8: Refine and Extend
Overall, we had discussed more information regarding the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol that has generate the simulation model and then the SMTP client communicate with the server with the help of OMNeT++ tool. Additional information will provide in the further setup in different simulation tool.
If you need help with implementing Simple Mail Transfer Protocol in OMNeT++, our developers can provide you with project topics and steps to execute. Just send us your project details, and we’ll help you out with your project performance!