To implement the Serverless Computing security in OMNeT++ encompasses mimicking a cloud-based architecture where functions or microservices are performed without the necessity to handle underlying servers. It presents unique security challenges, like protecting sensitive data, securing the execution environment, and make sure secure communication among functions and other services. Incase if you require immediate assistance in understanding your network performance, please do not hesitate to contact the team at
The following is a step-by-step procedure on how to implement Serverless Computing security in OMNeT++.
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Before implementation, it’s significant to know the key components included in Serverless Computing security:
Describe a network topology in OMNeT++ that contains function nodes, data storage components, serverless function nodes, and event sources. Contain security components like firewalls, IDS, and secure communication channels.
network ServerlessComputingNetwork
eventSource1: EventSource {
eventSource2: EventSource {
functionNode1: FunctionNode {
functionNode2: FunctionNode {
dataStorage: DataStorageNode {
firewall: FirewallModule {
ids: IDSModule {
attacker: AttackerNode {
eventSource1.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> functionNode1.ethg++;
eventSource2.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> functionNode2.ethg++;
functionNode1.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> firewall.ethg++;
functionNode2.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> firewall.ethg++;
firewall.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> ids.ethg++;
ids.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> dataStorage.ethg++;
attacker.wlan++ <–> Adhoc80211Nic <–> functionNode1.wlan++;
The Event Source mimics a node that activates the implementation of serverless functions. It could be an HTTP request, a message in a queue, or a sensor event in an IoT setup.
Event Source Implementation
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”
#include “inet/applications/udpapp/UDPBasicApp.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class EventSource : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize(int stage) override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void triggerFunction();
void EventSource::initialize(int stage)
EV << “Event Source Initialized” << endl;
scheduleAt(simTime() + uniform(1, 3), new cMessage(“triggerFunction”));
void EventSource::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “triggerFunction”) == 0) {
delete msg;
void EventSource::triggerFunction()
// Simulate triggering a serverless function
Packet *packet = new Packet(“FunctionTriggerPacket”);
packet->insertAtBack(makeShared<Chunk>(std::vector<int>{1, 2, 3})); // Example data
send(packet, “ethgOut”);
// Schedule the next function trigger
scheduleAt(simTime() + uniform(1, 3), new cMessage(“triggerFunction”));
The Function Node denotes a serverless function that processes data and executes particular tasks in response to events. Security calculates must make sure that functions are implemented safely and securely.
Function Node Implementation
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”
#include “inet/common/packet/Packet.h”
#include <openssl/evp.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class FunctionNode : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void processFunction(Packet *packet);
std::string encryptData(const std::string &data);
void FunctionNode::initialize()
EV << “Function Node Initialized” << endl;
void FunctionNode::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (Packet *packet = dynamic_cast<Packet *>(msg)) {
delete msg;
void FunctionNode::processFunction(Packet *packet)
const auto &payload = packet->peekData();
std::string data = payload->str();
// Encrypt the data before further processing
std::string encryptedData = encryptData(data);
EV << “Processing function and encrypting data: ” << encryptedData << endl;
// Forward processed data to the data storage node
Packet *processedPacket = new Packet(“ProcessedFunctionData”);
send(processedPacket, “ethgOut”);
std::string FunctionNode::encryptData(const std::string &data)
// Simplified encryption using OpenSSL
unsigned char key[16] = “functionkey1234”;
unsigned char iv[16] = “initialvector12”;
EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_128_cbc(), NULL, key, iv);
unsigned char encrypted[1024];
int len;
EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, encrypted, &len, (unsigned char*)data.c_str(), data.length());
int ciphertext_len = len;
EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(ctx, encrypted + len, &len);
ciphertext_len += len;
return std::string((char*)encrypted, ciphertext_len);
The Data Storage Node signifies the storage solution where data processed by serverless functions is stored. It wants to make sure that data is securely stored and accessed only by authorized functions.
Data Storage Node Implementation
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”
#include “inet/common/packet/Packet.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class DataStorageNode : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void storeData(Packet *packet);
void verifyDataIntegrity(const std::string &data);
void DataStorageNode::initialize()
EV << “Data Storage Node Initialized” << endl;
void DataStorageNode::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (Packet *packet = dynamic_cast<Packet *>(msg)) {
delete msg;
void DataStorageNode::storeData(Packet *packet)
const auto &payload = packet->peekData();
std::string data = payload->str();
// Verify data integrity before storing
EV << “Storing data in the storage node: ” << data << endl;
// Simulate data storage (e.g., write to a database or file system)
void DataStorageNode::verifyDataIntegrity(const std::string &data)
// Simulate data integrity verification (e.g., using a checksum or hash)
EV << “Verifying data integrity: ” << data << endl;
// Implement verification logic here
The Firewall Module strains traffic to and from the function nodes and data storage, make sure only authentic traffic passes over and blocking any suspicious activity.
Firewall Module Implementation
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”
#include “inet/common/packet/Packet.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class FirewallModule : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
bool isAllowed(Packet *packet);
void FirewallModule::initialize()
EV << “Firewall Module Initialized” << endl;
void FirewallModule::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (Packet *packet = dynamic_cast<Packet *>(msg)) {
if (isAllowed(packet)) {
send(packet, “ethgOut”);
} else {
EV << “Packet dropped by firewall.” << endl;
delete packet;
bool FirewallModule::isAllowed(Packet *packet)
// Implement filtering logic (e.g., block specific IPs or patterns)
const auto &payload = packet->peekData();
std::string data = payload->str();
return data.find(“malicious”) == std::string::npos; // Example rule
The IDS Module observes network traffic to detect any potential intrusions or attacks, like data breaches or DDoS attempts.
IDS Module Implementation
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”
#include “inet/common/packet/Packet.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class IDSModule : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void detectIntrusion(Packet *packet);
void IDSModule::initialize()
EV << “IDS Module Initialized” << endl;
void IDSModule::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (Packet *packet = dynamic_cast<Packet *>(msg)) {
send(packet, “ethgOut”);
delete msg;
void IDSModule::detectIntrusion(Packet *packet)
const auto &payload = packet->peekData();
std::string data = payload->str();
// Implement simple intrusion detection logic
if (data.find(“attack”) != std::string::npos) {
EV << “Intrusion detected! Taking action…” << endl;
// Implement any action needed (e.g., alerting, blocking)
The Attacker Node mimics adversarial behaviour, like attempting to exploit vulnerabilities in serverless functions, introduce a DDoS attack, or inject malicious data.
Attacker Node Implementation
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/applications/tcpapp/TcpAppBase.h”
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class AttackerNode : public TcpAppBase
virtual void initialize(int stage) override;
virtual void handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) override;
void launchFunctionExploitation();
void launchDDoSAttack();
void AttackerNode::initialize(int stage)
scheduleAt(simTime() + 2, new cMessage(“launchFunctionExploitation”));
scheduleAt(simTime() + 5, new cMessage(“launchDDoSAttack”));
void AttackerNode::handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg)
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “launchFunctionExploitation”) == 0) {
delete msg;
} else if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “launchDDoSAttack”) == 0) {
delete msg;
} else {
void AttackerNode::launchFunctionExploitation()
EV << “Launching function exploitation attempt…” << endl;
// Send a malicious packet to the function node
Packet *packet = new Packet(“FunctionExploitationAttempt”);
packet->insertAtBack(makeShared<Chunk>(std::vector<int>{999, 999, 999})); // Example malicious data
sendToUDP(packet, localPort, Ipv4AddressResolver().resolve(“functionNode1”), 5000);
void AttackerNode::launchDDoSAttack()
EV << “Launching DDoS attack on function node…” << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
Packet *packet = new Packet(“DDoSPacket”);
sendToUDP(packet, localPort, Ipv4AddressResolver().resolve(“functionNode1”), 5000);
Incorporate the event sources, function nodes, data storage, firewall, IDS, and attacker node into the network to make a complete Serverless Computing security simulation.
network ServerlessComputingNetwork
eventSource1: EventSource {
eventSource2: EventSource {
functionNode1: FunctionNode {
functionNode2: FunctionNode {
dataStorage: DataStorageNode {
firewall: FirewallModule {
ids: IDSModule {
attacker: AttackerNode {
eventSource1.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> functionNode1.ethg++;
eventSource2.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> functionNode2.ethg++;
functionNode1.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> firewall.ethg++;
functionNode2.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> firewall.ethg++;
firewall.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> ids.ethg++;
ids.ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> dataStorage.ethg++;
attacker.wlan++ <–> Adhoc80211Nic <–> functionNode1.wlan++;
Compile and run the simulation in OMNeT++. The network should securely manage serverless function performance and data storage during detecting and mitigating any adversarial activities according to the executed functionality.
Verify the OMNeT++ simulation log to see how the network managed function execution, data storage, and detected intrusions. Check that:
We can expand this setup by:
Overall, we had executed step-by-step detailed process to implement the Serverless Computing Security in OMNeT++. Additional informations will be presented as needed. provides comprehensive guidance on simulating Serverless Computing Security within the OMNeT++ tool.