To implement the routing protocols design in OMNeT++ has several steps to design and implement that has generate the custom modules that describe how network nodes explore and maintain routes, manage the packets, and respond to network changes. The below are the procedures to execute the simple routing protocol in OMNeT++, along with an example of a simple Distance Vector Routing Protocol.
Steps to Implement a Routing Protocol in OMNeT++
Example: Implementing a Simple Distance Vector Routing Protocol
network DVNetwork
node1: DVNode {
node2: DVNode {
node3: DVNode {
node4: DVNode {
node1.radioModule <–> node2.radioModule;
node2.radioModule <–> node3.radioModule;
node2.radioModule <–> node4.radioModule;
node3.radioModule <–> node4.radioModule;
Generate a C++ class for the Distance Vector Routing Protocol.
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include <map>
using namespace omnetpp;
class DVRouting : public cSimpleModule
struct RoutingTableEntry {
int nextHop;
int distance;
std::map<int, RoutingTableEntry> routingTable; // Map: Destination -> Routing Table Entry
std::map<int, int> neighborTable; // Map: Neighbor -> Distance
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void updateRoutingTable(int source, int destination, int distance, int nextHop);
void sendRoutingUpdates();
void handlePacket(cPacket *packet);
void forwardPacket(cPacket *packet);
void DVRouting::initialize()
// Initialize the routing table with direct neighbors
for (int i = 0; i < gateSize(“out”); i++) {
cGate *outGate = gate(“out”, i);
int neighborId = outGate->getNextGate()->getOwnerModule()->getId();
int distance = outGate->getChannel()->par(“distance”).intValue();
neighborTable[neighborId] = distance;
routingTable[neighborId] = {neighborId, distance};
void DVRouting::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (cPacket *packet = dynamic_cast<cPacket *>(msg)) {
} else {
delete msg; // Delete any other message
void DVRouting::updateRoutingTable(int source, int destination, int distance, int nextHop)
if (routingTable.find(destination) == routingTable.end() || routingTable[destination].distance > distance) {
routingTable[destination] = {nextHop, distance};
void DVRouting::sendRoutingUpdates()
// Create and send routing update packets to all neighbors
for (auto &neighbor : neighborTable) {
int neighborId = neighbor.first;
cPacket *updatePacket = new cPacket(“RoutingUpdate”);
updatePacket->addPar(“source”) = getParentModule()->getId();
for (auto &entry : routingTable) {
updatePacket->addPar(“destination”) = entry.first;
updatePacket->addPar(“distance”) = entry.second.distance;
send(updatePacket, “out”, neighborId);
scheduleAt(simTime() + 5, new cMessage(“sendRoutingUpdates”)); // Periodically send updates
void DVRouting::handlePacket(cPacket *packet)
int source = packet->par(“source”).intValue();
int destination = packet->par(“destination”).intValue();
int distance = packet->par(“distance”).intValue();
if (source != getParentModule()->getId()) {
int newDistance = distance + neighborTable[source];
updateRoutingTable(source, destination, newDistance, source);
void DVRouting::forwardPacket(cPacket *packet)
int destination = packet->par(“destination”).intValue();
if (routingTable.find(destination) != routingTable.end()) {
send(packet, “out”, routingTable[destination].nextHop);
} else {
delete packet; // Drop the packet if no route is found
Expand the node definition to contains the DVRouting module.
simple DVNode
input radioIn;
output radioOut;
radioModule: Radio {
routing: DVRouting {
radioIn –>;
routing.out –> radioOut;
network = DVNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
**.radio.txPower = 1mW
**.routing.updateInterval = 5s # Time interval for sending routing updates
Running the Simulation
We had successfully executed the routing protocols design in OMNeT++ tool that has to generate a network topology then select the routing algorithm to execute the routing protocol to evaluate protocol performance. We intend to expand on how the routing protocols design is performed in other simulation settings.
We provide top-notch implementation support for Routing Protocol Designs in the OMNeT++ tool for scholars. Additionally, we offer unique project topic ideas and assist you with comparative analysis guidance.