To Implement the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) in OMNeT++ has includes to generate a distance-vector routing protocol where each router occasionally sends updates to its neighbours about the cost (in hops) to reach each end point in the network. The RIP is a comparatively simple routing protocol, but executing it from scratch needs to familiarize of how routing tables are maintained and updated.
The below are the procedures to implement the RIP in OMNeT++ using the INET framework:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Step 1: Set Up OMNeT++ and INET Framework
Step 2: Create a New OMNeT++ Project
Step 3: Define the Network Topology
network RIPNetwork
int numRouters = default(4); // Number of routers in the network
router[numRouters]: Router {
host[numRouters]: StandardHost {
connections allowunconnected:
router[0].ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> router[1].ethg++;
router[1].ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> router[2].ethg++;
router[2].ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> router[3].ethg++;
router[0].ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> router[2].ethg++;
router[3].ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> router[1].ethg++;
host[0].ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> router[0].ethg++;
host[1].ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> router[1].ethg++;
host[2].ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> router[2].ethg++;
host[3].ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> router[3].ethg++;
Step 4: Implement the RIP Routing Protocol
RIP operates by occasionally distribution routing updates to all neighbouring routers, and it uses a hop count as the parameters. Each router preserves a routing table that lists the best-known distance to each destination.
Example (in NED):
simple RIP
inout lowerLayerIn[];
inout lowerLayerOut[];
Here’s a basic structure for implementing RIP in C++:
#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”
#include “inet/networklayer/contract/IRoutingTable.h”
#include “inet/networklayer/ipv4/IPv4RoutingTable.h”
#include “inet/networklayer/ipv4/IPv4Route.h”
#include “inet/networklayer/common/L3Address.h”
#include “inet/common/packet/Packet.h”
#include “inet/networklayer/common/InterfaceTable.h”
#include “inet/networklayer/routing/rip/RIPMessage_m.h”
class RIP : public cSimpleModule
IRoutingTable *inetRoutingTable;
InterfaceTable *interfaceTable;
std::map<L3Address, int> routingTable; // Routing table with hop count as metric
cMessage *updateMsg;
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void sendRoutingUpdate();
void processRoutingUpdate(Packet *packet);
void updateRoutingTable(const L3Address& destAddr, int hopCount, L3Address nextHop);
void RIP::initialize() {
inetRoutingTable = getModuleFromPar<IRoutingTable>(par(“routingTableModule”), this);
interfaceTable = getModuleFromPar<InterfaceTable>(par(“interfaceTableModule”), this);
// Initialize routing table with direct connections
for (int i = 0; i < interfaceTable->getNumInterfaces(); i++) {
InterfaceEntry *ie = interfaceTable->getInterface(i);
if (ie->isBroadcast()) {
L3Address address = ie->getNetworkAddress();
routingTable[address] = 1; // Directly connected networks have a hop count of 1
// Schedule periodic routing updates
updateMsg = new cMessage(“RIP_Update”);
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1, updateMsg);
void RIP::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg == updateMsg) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1, updateMsg); // Reschedule update
} else {
Packet *packet = check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg);
void RIP::sendRoutingUpdate() {
for (auto &entry : routingTable) {
RIPMessage *ripMsg = new RIPMessage(“RIP_Update”);
Packet *packet = new Packet(“RIP_UpdatePacket”);
for (int i = 0; i < gateSize(“lowerLayerOut”); i++) {
send(packet->dup(), “lowerLayerOut”, i); // Broadcast to all neighbors
delete packet;
void RIP::processRoutingUpdate(Packet *packet) {
const auto& ripMsg = packet->peekData<RIPMessage>();
L3Address destAddr = ripMsg->getDestAddr();
int receivedHopCount = ripMsg->getHopCount();
// Update routing table if a better route is found
if (routingTable.find(destAddr) == routingTable.end() || routingTable[destAddr] > receivedHopCount + 1) {
updateRoutingTable(destAddr, receivedHopCount + 1, packet->getSenderModule()->getFullPath());
delete packet;
void RIP::updateRoutingTable(const L3Address& destAddr, int hopCount, L3Address nextHop) {
routingTable[destAddr] = hopCount;
// Update the actual inetRoutingTable with the new route
auto *route = inetRoutingTable->findBestMatchingRoute(destAddr);
if (!route) {
route = new IPv4Route();
} else {
Step 5: Configure the Simulation
network = RIPNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
**.scalar-recording = true
**.vector-recording = true
# Traffic generation (e.g., UDP traffic between hosts)
*.host[0].numApps = 1
*.host[0].app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
*.host[0].app[0].destAddress = “host[3]”
*.host[0].app[0].destPort = 5000
*.host[0].app[0].messageLength = 1024B
*.host[0].app[0].sendInterval = uniform(1s, 2s)
Step 6: Analyze the Results
Step 7: Optimize and Extend the Protocol
We demonstrate and show how the Routing Information Protocol will generate the network then applies the Routing Information Protocol in the INET framework that used in OMNeT++ tool.
We have been working on implementing the Routing Information Protocol in the OMNeT++ tool, so feel free to reach out for the best developer support during the simulation process. Our focus is on the distance-vector routing protocol, and we are also well-versed in simple routing protocols related to this project.