To implement routing by hybrid protocols in OMNeT++ has needs to integrate the aspects of both proactive and reactive routing protocols. Hybrid routing protocols like Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) aims to deliver the advantages of both proactive and reactive approaches by sustaining routing tables for nearby nodes while discovering routes to distant nodes on-demand.
The below are the procedures to execute the hybrid routing protocol in OMNeT++:
Steps to Implement Hybrid Routing Protocol in OMNeT++
Example: Implementing a Simple Hybrid Routing Protocol
network HybridRoutingNetwork
node1: HybridNode {
node2: HybridNode {
node3: HybridNode {
node4: HybridNode {
node1.radioModule <–> node2.radioModule;
node2.radioModule <–> node3.radioModule;
node2.radioModule <–> node4.radioModule;
node3.radioModule <–> node4.radioModule;
Generate a C++ class for the hybrid routing protocol.
class HybridRouting : public cSimpleModule
struct RoutingTableEntry {
int nextHop;
int hopCount;
std::map<int, RoutingTableEntry> routingTable;
double zoneRadius;
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void proactiveRouting();
void reactiveRouting(int destination);
void forwardPacket(cPacket *packet);
void HybridRouting::initialize()
zoneRadius = par(“zoneRadius”);
// Initialize the routing table with direct neighbors
void HybridRouting::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (cPacket *packet = dynamic_cast<cPacket *>(msg)) {
int destination = packet->getDestination();
if (routingTable.find(destination) != routingTable.end()) {
} else {
void HybridRouting::proactiveRouting()
// Proactively maintain routes to nodes within the zone radius
for (int i = 0; i < gateSize(“out”); i++) {
cGate *outGate = gate(“out”, i);
int neighborId = outGate->getNextGate()->getOwnerModule()->getId();
double distance = outGate->getChannel()->par(“distance”);
if (distance <= zoneRadius) {
routingTable[neighborId] = {neighborId, 1}; // Direct neighbor
void HybridRouting::reactiveRouting(int destination)
// Discover routes to nodes outside the zone radius using a reactive approach
cMessage *routeRequest = new cMessage(“RouteRequest”);
send(routeRequest, “out”);
// Wait for a route reply (not implemented in this simple example)
void HybridRouting::forwardPacket(cPacket *packet)
int destination = packet->getDestination();
if (routingTable.find(destination) != routingTable.end()) {
send(packet, “out”, routingTable[destination].nextHop);
} else {
delete packet; // Drop the packet if no route is found
Cover the node description to use the hybrid routing protocol.
simple HybridNode
input radioIn;
output radioOut;
radioModule: Radio {
routing: HybridRouting {
radioIn –>;
routing.out –> radioOut;
network = HybridRoutingNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
**.zoneRadius = 100m # Example zone radius
**.radio.txPower = 1mW
Running the Simulation
At the last, we entirely understand how routing by hybrid protocols is implemented in OMNeT++ and that delivers the best path rapidly using the hybrid protocols features. More information will be shared about routing by hybrid protocols and its execution in different simulations.
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