To Implement a Ring-Mesh hybrid topology in OMNeT++ has needs to incorporate the ring topology with a mesh topology, where nodes are interconnected in both a ring and a mesh configuration and this hybrid topology takes benefits of the ring topology’s simplicity and the mesh topology’s redundancy and multiple paths. We can see how to implement the hybrid topology using the OMNeT++ tool:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Example: A Ring-Mesh Hybrid Topology with 6 Nodes
package ringMeshHybridTopologyExample;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
network RingMeshHybridTopology
int numNodes = default(6); // Number of nodes in the topology
node[numNodes]: StandardHost {
parameters: @display(“p=100+200*cos(pi/2+i*2*pi/numNodes),100+200*sin(pi/2+i*2*pi/numNodes)”);
connections allowunconnected:
// Ring connections
for i=0..numNodes-2 {
node[i].ethg++ <–> EtherChannel <–> node[i+1].ethg++;
node[numNodes-1].ethg++ <–> EtherChannel <–> node[0].ethg++; // Complete the ring
// Additional mesh connections for redundancy
node[0].ethg++ <–> EtherChannel <–> node[2].ethg++;
node[1].ethg++ <–> EtherChannel <–> node[3].ethg++;
node[4].ethg++ <–> EtherChannel <–> node[2].ethg++;
node[5].ethg++ <–> EtherChannel <–> node[3].ethg++;
network = ringMeshHybridTopologyExample.RingMeshHybridTopology
# Configure IP addresses for the nodes
*.node[*].ipv4.arp.typename = “GlobalArp”
*.node[*].eth[0].ipv4.address = “10.0.0.x”
*.node[*].eth[0].ipv4.netmask = “”
# Example application setup: node[0] communicates with node[3]
*.node[0].numApps = 1
*.node[0].app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
*.node[0].app[0].destAddresses = “” # IP address of node[3]
*.node[0].app[0].destPort = 5000
*.node[0].app[0].messageLength = 1024B
*.node[0].app[0].sendInterval = 1s
*.node[3].numApps = 1
*.node[3].app[0].typename = “UdpSink”
*.node[3].app[0].localPort = 5000
Example: Enabling OSPF on all nodes
*.node[*].hasOspf = true
Example Files
Finally we provide information about the Ring-Mesh hybrid topology in OMNeT++ simulator tool and additionally we provide and support all kinds of Ring-Mesh hybrid topology works.
The implementation of Ring Mesh Hybrid Topology in OMNeT++ is handled by We offer you top-notch simulation results and clear explanations for your projects. We have all the necessary tools and focus on nodes that are linked in both ring and mesh setups for hybrid topology. Share your project details with us, and we’ll help you out!