To implement reputation-based routing in OMNeT++ has needs to generate the routing protocol where nodes make forwarding decisions based on the reputation of other nodes and the term “Reputation” is commonly used to evaluate a node’s reliability, which is built over time based on its behaviour in the network. This is especially helpful in networks such as wireless sensor networks (WSNs), mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), and peer-to-peer networks where node cooperation cannot be assumed. The given below are the brief procedures to implementing reputation-based routing in OMNeT++ with examples:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Step 1: Set Up the OMNeT++ Environment
Make sure that OMNeT++ and essential libraries, like INET, are installed and configured properly. INET delivers a range of tools and protocols that we can build upon to generate a reputation-based routing mechanism.
Step 2: Define the Reputation Model
The reputation model is a key module where each node handles a reputation score for its neighbours. The reputation score is updated based on the behaviour of the neighbouring nodes like successfully forwarding packets.
Example Reputation Model Definition
class ReputationModel
double reputationValue;
int successfulForwards;
int totalForwards;
ReputationModel() : reputationValue(1.0), successfulForwards(0), totalForwards(0) {}
void updateReputation(bool success)
if (success)
// Example: Simple reputation calculation based on forwarding success rate
reputationValue = (double)successfulForwards / totalForwards;
double getReputationValue() const
return reputationValue;
Step 3: Define the Reputation-Based Routing Node
Describe a node that uses the reputation model to generate routing decisions. The node will forward packets based on the reputation of its neighbours.
Example Reputation-Based Routing Node Definition
module ReputationBasedNode
@display(“i=block/wifilaptop”); // Icon for visualization
inout wireless; // Wireless communication gate
wlan: <default(“Ieee80211Nic”)>; // Wireless NIC for communication
mobility: <default(“MassMobility”)>; // Mobility module (optional)
wireless <–> wlan.radioIn; // Connect the wireless gate to the NIC
Step 4: Implement Reputation-Based Routing Logic
Apply the logic for reputation-based routing within the node and this logic concludes to maintaining reputation scores for neighbouring nodes and making routing decisions based on those scores.
Example Reputation-Based Routing Logic (Simplified)
class ReputationBasedNode : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void forwardPacket(cMessage *msg, int destination);
std::map<int, ReputationModel> neighborReputation; // Reputation values for each neighbor
int nodeId;
double reputationThreshold = 0.5; // Minimum reputation required for forwarding
void ReputationBasedNode::initialize()
nodeId = par(“nodeId”); // Unique ID for this node
void ReputationBasedNode::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
// Handle incoming packets
int senderId = msg->par(“senderId”).intValue();
int destination = msg->par(“destination”).intValue();
if (destination == nodeId)
EV << “Packet received at destination node ” << nodeId << endl;
delete msg;
forwardPacket(msg, destination);
void ReputationBasedNode::forwardPacket(cMessage *msg, int destination)
// Find the best neighbor to forward the packet to based on reputation
int bestNeighbor = -1;
double highestReputation = -1;
for (auto &neighbor : neighborReputation)
if (neighbor.second.getReputationValue() > highestReputation && neighbor.second.getReputationValue() > reputationThreshold)
highestReputation = neighbor.second.getReputationValue();
bestNeighbor = neighbor.first;
if (bestNeighbor != -1)
EV << “Forwarding packet to neighbor ” << bestNeighbor << ” with reputation ” << highestReputation << endl;
msg->addPar(“senderId”) = nodeId;
send(msg, “wireless$o”, bestNeighbor);
EV << “No trustworthy neighbor found. Dropping packet.” << endl;
delete msg;
Step 5: Define the Network Scenario
Describe a network scenario where multiple reputation-based routing nodes are employed. This scenario can emulate various kinds of networks such as MANETs or WSNs.
Example Network Scenario Definition
network ReputationBasedNetwork
int numNodes = default(10); // Number of nodes in the network
nodes[numNodes]: ReputationBasedNode {
@display(“p=100,100”); // Position nodes in the network
connections allowunconnected:
for i=0..numNodes-2 {
nodes[i].wireless <–> IdealWirelessLink <–> nodes[i+1].wireless;
nodes[numNodes-1].wireless <–> IdealWirelessLink <–> nodes[0].wireless;
Step 6: Configure the Simulation Parameters
Setup the simulation parameters in the .ini file that has node-specific settings, initial reputation values, and the reputation threshold for forwarding packets.
Example Configuration in the .ini File
network = ReputationBasedNetwork
sim-time-limit = 300s
# Node-specific parameters
*.nodes[*].nodeId = index
# Reputation model parameters
*.nodes[*].reputationThreshold = 0.5 # Reputation threshold for forwarding packets
Step 7: Run the Simulation
Compile and execute the simulation. During the simulation, nodes will make routing decisions based on the reputation of their neighbours, which evolves over time based on their behaviour.
Step 8: Analyse the Results
To measure the performance of the reputation-based routing protocol using OMNeT++ analysis tool. Analyse metrics such as:
Step 9: Extend the Simulation (Optional)
We can expand the simulation by:
We had successfully executed the reputation based routing in OMNeT++ tool that has to setup the configuration and then describe the module after that apply the reputation based routing logic then execute the results in network. we plan to elaborate more information regarding the reputation based routing. For the best results with Reputation-based Routing on the OMNeT++ tool, you can contact for personalized assistance.