To implement QoS-aware routing in OMNeT++ has encompasses to generate the routing protocol that take account of Quality of Service (QoS) requirements when choosing the routes for data packets. This method make certain that network resources are distributed and handled in a way that meets the particular needs of various types of traffic, like real-time voice, video, or best-effort data. The below are the procedures to execute the QoS-aware routing in OMNeT++:
Steps to Implement QoS-aware Routing in OMNeT++
Example: Implementing a Basic QoS-aware Routing Protocol
// QoSAwareRoutingNetwork.ned
package networkstructure;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
network QoSAwareRoutingNetwork
routerA: Router {
routerB: Router {
hostA: StandardHost {
numApps = 1;
app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”;
hostB: StandardHost {
numApps = 1;
app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”;
hostA.ppp[0] <–> Ethernet100m <–> routerA.ppp[0];
routerA.ppp[1] <–> Ethernet100m <–> routerB.ppp[0];
routerB.ppp[1] <–> Ethernet100m <–> hostB.ppp[0];
Generate a C++ class for a basic QoS-aware routing protocol that chooses routes based on QoS metrics such as delay and bandwidth.
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include <inet/networklayer/contract/IRoutingTable.h>
#include <inet/networklayer/common/L3AddressResolver.h>
#include <inet/applications/base/ApplicationBase.h>
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class QoSAwareRouter : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void routePacket(cPacket *packet);
double getPathDelay(const L3Address& destination);
double getPathBandwidth(const L3Address& destination);
void QoSAwareRouter::initialize()
// Initialization code for the QoS-aware router
void QoSAwareRouter::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (cPacket *packet = dynamic_cast<cPacket *>(msg)) {
} else {
delete msg;
void QoSAwareRouter::routePacket(cPacket *packet)
L3Address destination = packet->getDestinationAddress();
// Example: Evaluate QoS metrics (delay, bandwidth) and select the best route
double delay = getPathDelay(destination);
double bandwidth = getPathBandwidth(destination);
EV << “Routing packet to ” << destination << ” with delay: ” << delay << ” ms and bandwidth: ” << bandwidth << ” Mbps” << endl;
// Example routing decision based on QoS
int outputGateIndex = 0; // Simplified decision for this example
send(packet, “ppp$o”, outputGateIndex);
double QoSAwareRouter::getPathDelay(const L3Address& destination)
// Placeholder: Calculate or estimate the delay for the path to the destination
return uniform(1.0, 5.0); // Example: Random delay between 1 and 5 ms
double QoSAwareRouter::getPathBandwidth(const L3Address& destination)
// Placeholder: Calculate or estimate the available bandwidth for the path to the destination
return uniform(10.0, 100.0); // Example: Random bandwidth between 10 and 100 Mbps
Expand the router modules to use the QoS-aware routing protocol.
simple Router extends inet.node.inet.Router
numApps = 1;
app[0].typename = “QoSAwareRouter”;
network = networkstructure.QoSAwareRoutingNetwork
sim-time-limit = 60s
# Application settings for hosts
**[0].destAddr = “hostB”;
**[0].destPort = 1000;
**[0].messageLength = 512B;
**[0].sendInterval = exponential(0.01s);
**[0].destAddr = “hostA”;
**[0].destPort = 1000;
**[0].messageLength = 512B;
**[0].sendInterval = exponential(0.02s);
# Routing settings
**[0].routingType = “QoSAwareRouter”;
**[0].routingType = “QoSAwareRouter”;
Running the Simulation
Extending the Example
The above procedures will show you how to setup and execute the QoS-aware routing in OMNeT++ that enhances the quality of service in the network. We will describe how the QoS-aware routing is carried out in different simulation settings.
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