To implement an internal routing protocol in OMNeT++, we have to process the following steps like setting up the environment, know more about the certain internal protocol to implement, creating the protocol module, integrating it with the INET framework, and testing it. Here’s a detailed guide to help you through this process and follow the samples:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Step 1: Set Up OMNeT++ and INET Framework
Step 2: Understand the Protocol
For illustration purposes, let’s assume you want to implement a simple Distance Vector Routing (DVR) protocol, which is a type of internal routing protocol.
Step 3: Create the Protocol Module
Define the Module in .ned File
For DVR protocol module, we have to generate a .ned file.
simple DVR
double updateInterval @unit(s) = default(30s); // Interval for sending routing updates
input fromNetworkLayer;
output toNetworkLayer;
input fromMacLayer;
output toMacLayer;
Implement the Module in C++
Create the corresponding .cc and .h files.
#ifndef __DVR_H_
#define __DVR_H_
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include “inet/networklayer/contract/IRoutingTable.h”
#include “inet/networklayer/common/L3AddressResolver.h”
#include “inet/networklayer/ipv4/IPv4Datagram.h”
#include <map>
using namespace omnetpp;
using namespace inet;
class DVR : public cSimpleModule
double updateInterval;
IRoutingTable *routingTable;
cMessage *updateMsg;
std::map<L3Address, int> distanceVector; // Distance vector table
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void sendRoutingUpdate();
void processRoutingUpdate(cMessage *msg);
virtual ~DVR();
#include “DVR.h”
updateMsg = nullptr;
void DVR::initialize()
updateInterval = par(“updateInterval”);
routingTable = getModuleFromPar<IRoutingTable>(par(“routingTableModule”), this);
updateMsg = new cMessage(“sendRoutingUpdate”);
scheduleAt(simTime() + updateInterval, updateMsg);
void DVR::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (msg == updateMsg)
scheduleAt(simTime() + updateInterval, updateMsg);
void DVR::sendRoutingUpdate()
cMessage *update = new cMessage(“RoutingUpdate”);
// Add routing information to the message
for (const auto &entry : distanceVector)
update->addPar(entry.first.str().c_str()) = entry.second;
send(update, “toNetworkLayer”);
void DVR::processRoutingUpdate(cMessage *msg)
// Process received routing update
for (int i = 0; i < msg->getParList().size(); ++i)
const char *key = msg->getParList().get(i).getName();
int value = msg->par(key);
L3Address address(key);
distanceVector[address] = value;
delete msg;
Step 4: Integrate with Simulation Model
Incorporate the DVR module in the network simulation model.
Network Configuration .ned File
network DVRNetwork
host1: StandardHost {
routingTableModule = “^.routingTable”;
host2: StandardHost {
routingTableModule = “^.routingTable”;
// Add more hosts as needed
host1.pppg++ <–> { @display(“m=100,100”); } <–> host2.pppg++;
omnetpp.ini Configuration
network = DVRNetwork
*.host*.pppg[*].queue.typename = “DropTailQueue”
*.host*.ipv4.routingTable = “inet.networklayer.routing.manet.Router”
*.host*.networkLayer.networkProtocol.typename = “IPv4NetworkLayer”
*.host*.application[*].typename = “UDPBasicApp”
*.host*.application[*].destAddresses = “host1” // Set destination as needed
*.host*.application[*].destPort = 2000
*.host*.application[*].startTime = uniform(0s, 10s)
*.host*.application[*].sendInterval = uniform(1s, 2s)
*.host*.application[*].packetLength = 512B
*.host*.app[0].typename = “DVR”
Step 5: Test and Debug
As we discussed earlier, this guide thoroughly covers the entire concept of how to execute internal protocols by offering some samples in the OMNeT++. We can also offer you the additional information of internal protocols. We develop internal protocols, build protocol modules, and integrate them with the INET framework. Please discuss the specifics of your project with us so that we can provide you with appropriate advise. We offer you full help for implementing internal protocols in the OMNeT++ tool, including simulation results and sharing the best project performance outcomes.