To implement network trust model in OMNeT++ has needs to generate the simulation where the nodes assess the trustworthiness of other nodes based on numerous conditions like behaviour, past interactions, reputation, or the particular trust metrics. Trust models are mainly significant in distributed systems, IoT networks, ad-hoc networks, and scenarios where nodes must work together securely and efficiently. The below are the procedures on how to implement a simple network trust model in OMNeT++ using the INET framework:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Generate a network topology where multiple nodes are interconnected and need to measure the trustworthiness of each other.
Example NED File (TrustModelNetwork.ned):
package mynetwork;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
network TrustModelNetwork
int numNodes = default(5); // Number of nodes in the network
node[numNodes]: StandardHost {
router: Router {
In this example:
We need to generate a new module that executes the trust model. This module will manage the collection of trust data, the calculation of trust scores, and decisions based on trustworthiness.
Example: Trust Model Protocol (TrustModelProtocol.ned)
package mynetwork;
import inet.applications.base.ApplicationBase;
simple TrustModelProtocol extends ApplicationBase
input upperLayerIn;
output upperLayerOut;
input lowerLayerIn;
output lowerLayerOut;
} (Basic Implementation)
#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”
#include “inet/applications/base/ApplicationBase.h”
#include “inet/common/queue/FIFOQueue.h”
void TrustModelProtocol::initialize(int stage) {
if (stage == INITSTAGE_LOCAL) {
trustScores = new std::map<int, double>(); // Node ID to trust score mapping
interactionHistory = new std::map<int, int>(); // Node ID to interaction count
positiveInteractions = new std::map<int, int>(); // Node ID to positive interaction count
void TrustModelProtocol::handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg->getArrivalGate() == upperLayerIn) {
} else {
void TrustModelProtocol::handleUpperMessage(cMessage *msg) {
// Simulate an interaction with another node
int targetNode = uniform(0, 4); // Randomly choose a target node
bool positiveOutcome = (uniform(0, 1) > 0.3); // 70% chance of positive interaction
updateTrustScore(targetNode, positiveOutcome);
delete msg;
void TrustModelProtocol::handleLowerMessage(cMessage *msg) {
// Handle incoming messages, possibly trust-related
int sourceNode = msg->getSenderModule()->getIndex();
EV << “Received a message from node ” << sourceNode << “\n”;
delete msg;
void TrustModelProtocol::updateTrustScore(int nodeId, bool positiveOutcome) {
if (positiveOutcome) {
double trustScore = (double)(*positiveInteractions)[nodeId] / (double)(*interactionHistory)[nodeId];
(*trustScores)[nodeId] = trustScore;
EV << “Updated trust score for node ” << nodeId << ” to ” << trustScore << “\n”;
double TrustModelProtocol::getTrustScore(int nodeId) {
if (trustScores->find(nodeId) != trustScores->end()) {
return (*trustScores)[nodeId];
} else {
return 0.5; // Default trust score for unknown nodes
void TrustModelProtocol::finish() {
delete trustScores;
delete interactionHistory;
delete positiveInteractions;
In this example:
Setup the replication in the omnetpp.ini file to use custom trust model protocol.
Example Configuration in omnetpp.ini:
network = TrustModelNetwork
**.node[*].applications[0].typename = “TrustModelProtocol”
Run the simulation and observe how trust scores change over time as nodes communicate with each other. We need to track metrics like the number of interactions, trust scores, and decisions based on trustworthiness.
Example Configuration for Monitoring Metrics:
network = TrustModelNetwork
**.node[*].applications[0].numInteractions.recordScalar = true
**.node[*].applications[0].trustScores.recordScalar = true
This configuration records the number of communication and the trust scores that help to measure the efficiency of the trust model.
After running the simulation, evaluate the outcomes to determine the efficiency of trust model. Consider factors such as:
We can expand the simple trust model with additional features such as:
Example: Reputation-based Trust Model
void TrustModelProtocol::updateTrustScore(int nodeId, bool positiveOutcome) {
if (positiveOutcome) {
double baseTrustScore = (double)(*positiveInteractions)[nodeId] / (double)(*interactionHistory)[nodeId];
double reputationScore = getReputationScore(nodeId);
double trustScore = 0.5 * baseTrustScore + 0.5 * reputationScore; // Combine base trust and reputation
(*trustScores)[nodeId] = trustScore;
EV << “Updated trust score for node ” << nodeId << ” to ” << trustScore << “\n”;
double TrustModelProtocol::getReputationScore(int nodeId) {
// Placeholder logic to get reputation from other nodes
return uniform(0.4, 0.9); // Randomly generate a reputation score for this example
After completing simulations, document the trust model strategies tested and the outcome obtained, and any optimizations made. This will support to familiarize how numerous trust models affect the network security and collaboration.
In this demonstration we will gain knowledge on network trust model design that were executed in OMNeT++ tool that has generate a network topology then apply trust model protocol to evaluate the outcomes of the trust scores in network. We will outline the procedures used for the network trust model design in other simulation scenarios. We work on every aspect of the OMNeT++ tool’s Network Trust Models Design, and you can obtain specialized services from us. Let our developers take care of your network’s performance. We will be your most reliable partner if you need the greatest research ideas and timely delivery.