To Implement Network Source Location Privacy (SLP) in OMNeT++ has several steps to follow that includes to design a emulation where the actual source of a message or data packet is covered or hidden from potential attackers monitoring the network and especially in the significant settings like wireless sensor networks, military communications, or IoT environments where illuminating the source location could compromise security. The below is the step-by-procedures to implement Source Location Privacy in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
simple DummyTrafficGenerator {
double interval; // Interval between dummy packets
output out;
void initialize() {
scheduleAt(simTime() + interval, new cMessage(“sendDummy”));
void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “sendDummy”) == 0) {
// Create and send a dummy packet
Packet *dummyPacket = new Packet(“DummyPacket”);
send(dummyPacket, “out”);
// Schedule next dummy packet
scheduleAt(simTime() + interval, msg);
simple RandomWalker {
input in;
output out[10]; // Assume up to 10 possible next hops
void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
int nextHop = intuniform(0, 9); // Randomly select next hop
send(msg, “out”, nextHop);
Example NED File:
network SLPNetwork {
source: Node {
relay1: Node {
relay2: Node {
sink: Node {
dummyTrafficGen: DummyTrafficGenerator {
source.out –>;
relay1.out –>;
relay2.out –>;
dummyTrafficGen.out –>;
From the above procedure we provide vital information to execute the network source location privacy using the OMNeT++ tool. If you need more details related to the network source location privacy we will provide that too. can help you with Network Source Location Privacy implementation. We provide project and implementation ideas to help you succeed in your study.