To implement the network softwarization in OMNeT++ has encompasses to emulate the decoupling of control and data planes, virtualization of network functions, and dynamic configuration of the network. Network softwarization is represents to the process of transitioning traditional hardware-based network functions to software-based solutions that can execute on general-purpose hardware. This technique is closely related to concepts such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). The below are the procedures to implement the Network softwarization in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Example of a basic network topology with an SDN controller:
// softwarizedNetwork.ned
network SoftwarizedNetwork {
controller: SDNController;
switch[3]: SDNSwitch;
host[6]: Host;
connections allowunconnected:
controller.out++ –> switch[0].ctrlIn;
controller.out++ –> switch[1].ctrlIn;
controller.out++ –> switch[2].ctrlIn;
switch[0].out++ –> host[0].in;
switch[0].out++ –> host[1].in;
switch[1].out++ –> host[2].in;
switch[1].out++ –> host[3].in;
switch[2].out++ –> host[4].in;
switch[2].out++ –> host[5].in;
Example of an SDN controller in NED and C++:
// sdnController.ned
simple SDNController {
double controlInterval @unit(s) = default(0.1s);
input ctrlIn[];
output ctrlOut[];
void SDNController::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
// Example logic: Send flow rules to switches based on traffic conditions
for (int i = 0; i < gateSize(“ctrlOut”); i++) {
cMessage *flowRule = new cMessage(“FlowRule”);
send(flowRule, “ctrlOut”, i);
scheduleAt(simTime() + controlInterval, msg); // Re-schedule the control loop
Example of an SDN switch:
// sdnSwitch.ned
simple SDNSwitch {
input in[];
output out[];
input ctrlIn;
output ctrlOut;
void SDNSwitch::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg->arrivedOn(“ctrlIn”)) {
// Receive flow rules from the controller and configure the switch
// (Store flow rules in a routing table)
} else {
// Normal packet forwarding based on stored flow rules
int outGateIndex = determineOutputGate(msg);
send(msg, “out”, outGateIndex);
Example of a simple VNF module:
// firewallVNF.ned
simple FirewallVNF {
string policy = default(“allow all”);
input in;
output out;
void FirewallVNF::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
// Apply firewall policy to the incoming packet
if (checkPolicy(msg)) {
send(msg, “out”);
} else {
delete msg; // Drop the packet
The below is the sample of scenario where the SDN controller dynamically reroutes traffic based on network conditions:
// dynamicTrafficManagement.ned
network DynamicTrafficManagement {
controller: SDNController;
switch[3]: SDNSwitch;
host[6]: Host;
connections allowunconnected:
controller.out++ –> switch[0].ctrlIn;
controller.out++ –> switch[1].ctrlIn;
controller.out++ –> switch[2].ctrlIn;
switch[0].out++ –> host[0].in;
switch[0].out++ –> host[1].in;
switch[1].out++ –> host[2].in;
switch[1].out++ –> host[3].in;
switch[2].out++ –> host[4].in;
switch[2].out++ –> host[5].in;
We had demonstrated how to setup the environment and how to execute the Network softwarization in the OMNeT++ tool to enhance the network performance. We plan to provide additional data about how the network softwarization will perform another simulation tools.
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