To implement the Network Scalability Improvement in OMNeT++, while uploading the performance and reducing overhead, we have to enhance the simulation network that should manage how to increase the number of nodes, data or traffic. The intent is to make certain that network can grow in size and difficulty except significant degradation in performance or response times.
Follow the demonstration that will help you achieve this:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Example of a scalable network topology in NED:
// scalableNetwork.ned
network ScalableNetwork {
coreSwitch: Switch;
aggSwitch[2]: Switch;
edgeNode[4]: Host;
connections allowunconnected:
coreSwitch.out++ –> aggSwitch[0].in++;
coreSwitch.out++ –> aggSwitch[1].in++;
aggSwitch[0].out++ –> edgeNode[0].in;
aggSwitch[0].out++ –> edgeNode[1].in;
aggSwitch[1].out++ –> edgeNode[2].in;
aggSwitch[1].out++ –> edgeNode[3].in;
Example of a basic load balancer:
// loadBalancer.ned
simple LoadBalancer {
int numPaths = default(2);
input in;
output out[numPaths];
void LoadBalancer::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
int path = intuniform(0, numPaths – 1); // Randomly select a path
send(msg, “out”, path);
Example of integrating adaptive routing in OMNeT++:
// adaptiveRouting.ned
simple AdaptiveRouter {
double congestionThreshold = default(0.8); // Congestion threshold to reroute traffic
input in;
output out;
void AdaptiveRouter::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (currentLinkLoad > congestionThreshold) {
// Recalculate route
send(msg, “alternativeOut”);
} else {
send(msg, “out”);
Here’s a sample of a scalable IoT network where multiple sensors are connected to edge nodes, which in turn communicate with an aggregator node.
// scalableIoTNetwork.ned
network ScalableIoTNetwork {
aggregator: Aggregator;
edgeNode[10]: EdgeNode;
sensor[50]: SensorNode;
connections allowunconnected:
for i=0..9 {
edgeNode[i].out –>;
for j=i*5..i*5+4 {
sensor[j].out –> edgeNode[i].in++;
This approach has a step-by-step guide on how to implement network scalability improvements using INET framework in OMNeT++, including code examples. If you need any additional details, we will offer it.
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