To implement the network rendezvous discovery in OMNeT++ has several steps. The term “Network Rendezvous Discovery” usually defined to the process of nodes determining each other in a dynamic or mobile network. This is especially relevant in mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs), delay-tolerant networks (DTNs), or peer-to-peer (P2P) networks where nodes may not have a fixed infrastructure to rely on for discovery. The rendezvous discovery mechanism permits nodes to discovery each other and establishes interaction. The given below are the procedures on how to implement network rendezvous discovery in OMNeT++ using the INET framework:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Generate a network topology with multiple mobile or static nodes and these nodes will use a custom protocol to perform rendezvous discovery.
Example NED File (RendezvousDiscoveryNetwork.ned):
package mynetwork;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.mobility.single.MassMobility;
network RendezvousDiscoveryNetwork
int numNodes = default(5); // Number of nodes in the network
node[numNodes]: StandardHost {
mobility: MassMobility {
constraintAreaMinX = 0;
constraintAreaMaxX = 1000;
constraintAreaMinY = 0;
constraintAreaMaxY = 1000;
In this example:
We can generate a custom protocol that intermittent broadcasts discovery messages and attends for responses from other nodes. This protocol will mimic the process of nodes discovering each other.
Example: Rendezvous Discovery Protocol (RendezvousDiscoveryProtocol.ned)
package mynetwork;
import inet.applications.base.ApplicationBase;
simple RendezvousDiscoveryProtocol extends ApplicationBase
input upperLayerIn;
output upperLayerOut;
input lowerLayerIn;
output lowerLayerOut;
} (Basic Implementation)
#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”
#include “inet/applications/base/ApplicationBase.h”
#include “inet/common/INETMath.h”
void RendezvousDiscoveryProtocol::initialize(int stage) {
if (stage == INITSTAGE_LOCAL) {
discoveryInterval = par(“discoveryInterval”).doubleValue();
discoveryTimer = new cMessage(“discoveryTimer”);
scheduleAt(simTime() + discoveryInterval, discoveryTimer);
void RendezvousDiscoveryProtocol::handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg == discoveryTimer) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + discoveryInterval, discoveryTimer);
} else if (msg->getArrivalGate() == lowerLayerIn) {
void RendezvousDiscoveryProtocol::sendDiscoveryMessage() {
cMessage *discoveryMsg = new cMessage(“DiscoveryMessage”);
sendDown(discoveryMsg); // Broadcast the discovery message
EV << “Sent discovery message\n”;
void RendezvousDiscoveryProtocol::handleDiscoveryResponse(cMessage *msg) {
EV << “Received response from node: ” << msg->getSenderModule()->getFullName() << “\n”;
delete msg;
void RendezvousDiscoveryProtocol::finish() {
In this example:
Setup the emulation in the omnetpp.ini file to use custom rendezvous discovery protocol.
Example Configuration in omnetpp.ini:
network = RendezvousDiscoveryNetwork
**.node[*].applications[0].typename = “RendezvousDiscoveryProtocol”
**.node[*].applications[0].discoveryInterval = 5s
Run the simulation and track how nodes discover each other. We can observe the results to see when a node receives a response from another node, representative a successful rendezvous.
After running the simulation, test that nodes are discovering each other as expected. we should see log messages that representative when a node receives a discovery response from another node.
We can expand the simple rendezvous discovery protocol to encompass more advanced features, such as:
Example: Selective Discovery Based on Node Type
void RendezvousDiscoveryProtocol::sendDiscoveryMessage() {
cMessage *discoveryMsg = new cMessage(“DiscoveryMessage”);
discoveryMsg->addPar(“nodeType”) = “TypeA”; // Add a parameter to specify node type
sendDown(discoveryMsg); // Broadcast the discovery message
EV << “Sent discovery message\n”;
void RendezvousDiscoveryProtocol::handleDiscoveryResponse(cMessage *msg) {
std::string nodeType = msg->par(“nodeType”).stringValue();
if (nodeType == “TypeA”) {
EV << “Discovered a TypeA node: ” << msg->getSenderModule()->getFullName() << “\n”;
} else {
EV << “Ignoring non-TypeA node\n”;
delete msg;
After completing simulations, document the discovery techniques to be validated, the outcomes obtained, and any optimizations made. This will support to familiarize how various discovery strategies affect the network performance, energy efficiency, and node connectivity.
In the above simulation, we had gained the knowledge on how to execute and analyse the network rendezvous discovery using OMNeT++ tool. We will intend to offer how the network rendezvous discovery will simulate in other scenarios. team comprises of expert developers who offer guidance on the implementation outcomes of Network Rendezvous Discovery in OMNeT++. We also provide valuable support and customized project ideas and topics to meet your specific needs.