To implement network reactive obstacle prediction in OMNeT++ has needs to generate a system in which the network nodes like mobile robots, drones, or autonomous vehicles, can forecast and react to obstacles in real-time. This is especially helpful in scenarios where nodes need to route dynamically changing environments. Below is the step-by-step guide to implement this approach in OMNeT++:
Steps to Implement Network Reactive Obstacle Prediction in OMNeT++
Example Configuration
The below is the sample configuration for executing the network reactive obstacle prediction in OMNeT++:
network = ObstaclePredictionNetwork
sim-time-limit = 500s
[Config ObstaclePredictionNetwork]
*.numNodes = 10
*.numObstacles = 5
# Define the mobility model for nodes
*.node[*].mobility.type = “ControlledMobility”
*.node[*].mobility.speed = uniform(1mps, 3mps)
*.node[*].mobility.x = uniform(0m, 1000m)
*.node[*].mobility.y = uniform(0m, 1000m)
# Define the mobility model for obstacles
*.obstacle[*].mobility.type = “RandomWaypointMobility”
*.obstacle[*].mobility.speed = uniform(0.5mps, 2mps)
*.obstacle[*].mobility.x = uniform(0m, 1000m)
*.obstacle[*].mobility.y = uniform(0m, 1000m)
# Implement obstacle detection sensors
*.node[*].sensor.type = “LIDARSensor”
*.node[*].sensor.range = 50m
# Implement obstacle prediction algorithm (e.g., Kalman Filter)
*.node[*].obstaclePredictionAlgorithm = “KalmanFilterPrediction”
# Implement reactive navigation
*.node[*].navigationAlgorithm = “ReactiveAvoidance”
# Enable logging of obstacle prediction and avoidance events
*.node[*].logObstacleDetection = true
*.node[*].logPredictionAccuracy = true
*.node[*].logCollisionEvents = true
Example Scenarios
Execute a simple in which the nodes navigate across an environment with moving obstacles. Use a Kalman Filter to predict the future positions of the obstacles and adjust the nodes’ paths to evade collisions.
Mimic scenarios where obstacles move in more complex patterns like varying speeds or unpredictable directions. Evaluate how well the prediction methods adjust to these changes and how efficiently the nodes prevent collisions.
Execute a scenario where multiple nodes need to coordinate their movements to evade both static and dynamic obstacles. Evaluate the scalability of the obstacle prediction and avoidance techniques in a more crowded environment.
In the end of manual, we clearly shown how the network reactive obstacle prediction will execute and implement successfully using the OMNeT++ tool and also we plan to provide the additional details regarding the network reactive obstacle prediction performs in other simulation tools.
To implement network reactive obstacle prediction in OMNeT++, our developers are available to provide you with comprehensive information. Please share the details of your project for further assistance. Our team can offer guidance on dynamically routing nodes in changing environments tailored to your project’s needs.