To Implement network protocol testing in OMNeT++ has needs to emulate the network where can verify, measure and assess the performance of numerous network protocols. This process is usually contains to generate the realistic network topology, executing the protocol to be tested (if not already available in the INET framework), and setting up the simulation scenarios, execute the tests, and evaluate the outcomes. The below are the procedures on how to implement the network protocol testing in OMNeT++ tool:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Step 1: Set Up OMNeT++ and INET Framework
Step 2: Create a New OMNeT++ Project
Step 3: Define the Network Topology
network ProtocolTestingNetwork
hostA: StandardHost;
hostB: StandardHost;
router1: Router;
router2: Router;
hostA.ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> router1.ethg++;
router1.ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> router2.ethg++;
router2.ethg++ <–> Eth10Mbps <–> hostB.ethg++;
Step 4: Implement the Network Protocol (If Necessary)
If the protocol want to test is not already available in the INET Framework, we need to implement it:
Example (NED for a custom protocol):
simple CustomProtocol
inout lowerLayerIn;
inout lowerLayerOut;
Example (C++ for handling messages):
void CustomProtocol::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg->arrivedOn(“lowerLayerIn”)) {
} else {
void CustomProtocol::processIncomingPacket(cMessage *msg) {
// Implement protocol-specific logic
void CustomProtocol::processUpperLayerData(cMessage *msg) {
// Implement protocol-specific logic
Step 5: Set Up Simulation Scenarios
network = ProtocolTestingNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
# Traffic configuration
*.hostA.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
*[0].destAddress = “hostB”
*[0].destPort = 5000
*[0].messageLength = 1024B
*[0].sendInterval = exponential(1s)
# Enable logging and tracing
**.scalar-recording = true
**.vector-recording = true
Step 6: Run the Simulation
Step 7: Analyse the Results
Example (metrics to track):
Step 8: Refine and Optimize the Protocol
Step 9: Document and Report Findings
From the above modules, we had successfully implemented and executed the network protocol testing in OMNeT++ that has generate the network topology then validate , evaluate the performance of various network protocols in the real networks. We also offer the additional information regarding the network protocol.
Additional assistance with Network Protocol Testing in the OMNeT++ tool will be provided by us for your reasech work with simulation results , please feel free to reach out to us. We are committed to offering you the most effective project execution strategies.