To implement the network phishing defence mechanisms in OMNeT++, we need to develop a system in the simulated network which can detect and mitigate phishing attacks. Phishing is nothing but a kind of social engineering attack commonly used to steal user data containing login credentials and credit card numbers. In the network context, it can be simulated by having malicious nodes attempt to deceive other nodes into disclosing sensitive information or downloading malicious payloads.
Follow the step-by-step guide on how to implement a phishing defense mechanism in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
simple URLFilter {
string phishingURLList; // List of known phishing URLs
input in;
output out;
void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
Packet *pkt = check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg);
std::string url = extractURL(pkt); // Extract URL from packet
if (isPhishingURL(url)) {
EV << “Phishing URL detected: ” << url << endl;
// Block or redirect packet
} else {
send(pkt, “out”);
bool isPhishingURL(std::string url) {
// Check if the URL is in the phishing URL list
return phishingURLList.find(url) != std::string::npos;
simple ContentInspector {
string phishingKeywords; // List of phishing-related keywords
input in;
output out;
void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
Packet *pkt = check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg);
std::string content = extractContent(pkt); // Extract content from packet
if (containsPhishingKeywords(content)) {
EV << “Phishing content detected: ” << content << endl;
// Block or quarantine the packet
} else {
send(pkt, “out”);
bool containsPhishingKeywords(std::string content) {
// Check for phishing-related keywords in content
return phishingKeywords.find(content) != std::string::npos;
simple AnomalyDetector {
double threshold; // Threshold for detecting anomalies
input in;
output out;
void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
Packet *pkt = check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg);
if (isAnomalous(pkt)) {
EV << “Anomalous activity detected!” << endl;
// Trigger an alert or block the traffic
} else {
send(pkt, “out”);
bool isAnomalous(Packet *pkt) {
// Implement anomaly detection logic here
return false; // Placeholder
Example NED File:
network PhishingDefenseNetwork {
client: Node {
server: Node {
urlFilter: URLFilter {
contentInspector: ContentInspector {
client.out –>;
urlFilter.out –>;
server.out –>;
contentInspector.out –>;
In this approach, we successfully walk you through the entire implementation and security feature of network phishing defence management in OMNeT++ and INET framework. However, we also aggregate the future enhancement for this technique.
Rely on the team for personalized implementation advice tailored to your unique requirements. If you need original project ideas, feel free to reach out to us.