To implement the Network Multi Hop Energy in OMNeT++ needs to generate a simulation that has nodes could forward data over numerous hops to reach the destination, while also remembering the energy consumption. It is especially useful in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and ad hoc networks where nodes frequently perform on restricted battery power.
Follow the presented guide to implementing a multi-hop energy-aware network in OMNeT++ with examples:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Step 1: Set Up the OMNeT++ Environment
Make sure that OMNeT++ and essential libraries like INET and possibly Castalia (if you’re focusing on sensor networks), are installed and configured properly.
Step 2: Define the Network Node with Energy Model
State the network nodes that will participate in multi-hop communication. Each node should have a wireless communication interface and an energy model that tracks battery consumption.
Example Network Node Definition
module EnergyAwareNode
inout wireless; // Wireless communication gate
wlan: <default(“Ieee80211Nic”)>; // Wireless NIC for communication
energy: SimpleBattery; // Battery model to track energy consumption
wireless <–> wlan.radioIn; // Connect the wireless gate to the NIC
Here, SimpleBattery is an sample of a basic energy model that finds the energy consumption of the node.
Step 3: Create the Multi-Hop Network Scenario
Generate a network scenario where several nodes are located in a manner that needs multi-hop communication to exchange data from a source node to a destination node.
Example Multi-Hop Network Scenario Definition
network MultiHopEnergyNetwork
node1: EnergyAwareNode;
node2: EnergyAwareNode;
node3: EnergyAwareNode;
node4: EnergyAwareNode;
connections allowunconnected:
node1.wireless <–> IdealWirelessLink <–> node2.wireless;
node2.wireless <–> IdealWirelessLink <–> node3.wireless;
node3.wireless <–> IdealWirelessLink <–> node4.wireless;
Step 4: Implement Energy-Aware Routing Logic
Execute the logic for energy-aware routing, where nodes decide either to forward a packet based on their remaining energy and the energy cost of the transmission.
Example Energy-Aware Routing Logic (Simplified)
class EnergyAwareNode : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void forwardPacket(cMessage *msg);
double remainingEnergy;
double energyThreshold; // Minimum energy required to forward a packet
void EnergyAwareNode::initialize()
remainingEnergy = par(“initialEnergy”);
energyThreshold = par(“energyThreshold”);
void EnergyAwareNode::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “DataPacket”) == 0)
delete msg; // Handle other types of messages if needed
void EnergyAwareNode::forwardPacket(cMessage *msg)
double energyCost = par(“energyCostPerPacket”).doubleValue();
if (remainingEnergy > energyThreshold)
remainingEnergy -= energyCost;
EV << “Forwarding packet. Remaining energy: ” << remainingEnergy << ” J” << endl;
send(msg, “wireless$o”); // Forward the packet to the next node
EV << “Not enough energy to forward the packet. Dropping packet.” << endl;
delete msg; // Drop the packet if not enough energy
Step 5: Configure the Simulation Parameters
Set up the simulation parameters in the .ini file like initial energy levels, energy consumption per packet, and thresholds.
Example Configuration in the .ini File
network = MultiHopEnergyNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
# Initial energy levels for each node
*.node*.initialEnergy = 100J # 100 Joules initial energy
*.node*.energyThreshold = 10J # Minimum energy required to forward a packet
# Energy cost per packet
*.node*.energyCostPerPacket = 0.5J # 0.5 Joules per packet transmission
# Define the parameters for wireless communication
*.node* = 10mW
*.node* = 1Mbps
Step 6: Run the Simulation
Compile and run the simulation. During the simulation, see how nodes forward packets based on their remaining energy and how the energy levels reduce as the simulation progresses.
Step 7: Analyze the Results
Assess the performance of the multi-hop network by using OMNeT++’s analysis tools. Analyze metrics include:
Step 8: Extend the Simulation (Optional)
You can extend the simulation by:
At the end of this demonstration, we utterly helped you to understand the concept and how to implement the Network Multi Hop Energy in OMNeT++ with the help of INET framework and Castalia for the protocols.
The results of the Multi Hop Energy implementation for networks are supported by the developers at If you want to have new and interesting topics, feel free to reach out to us! We will help you through every part of your project, including analyzing comparison results. Our focus is on wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and ad hoc networks based on your project needs.