To implement the network mobility handoff management in OMNeT++ has contains making a scenario where mobile nodes can transfer across several network regions, needing seamless handoff among numerous access points or base stations. It is critical in wireless networks, particularly for maintaining continuous connectivity in situations such as cellular networks, WiFi networks, or merged networks with various Radio Access Technologies (RATs). Given below is a step-by-step approaches with instances to execute network mobility handoff management in OMNeT++ using the INET framework.
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Initially, we making a network topology with numerous Access Points (APs) or base stations to which a mobile node can connect. This node will transfer in the network, generating handoffs among these APs.
Example NED File (MobilityHandoffNetwork.ned):
package mynetwork;
import inet.node.inet.AccessPoint;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.mobility.single.RandomWaypointMobility;
network MobilityHandoffNetwork
ap1: AccessPoint {
ap2: AccessPoint {
ap3: AccessPoint {
mobileNode: StandardHost {
wlan[0].typename = “IdealWirelessNic”; // WiFi NIC
mobility: <RandomWaypointMobility> {
initialX = 200;
initialY = 200;
speed = uniform(1mps, 2mps);
playgroundSizeX = 600;
playgroundSizeY = 400;
connections allowunconnected:
mobileNode.wlan[0] <–> wlan[0] <–> ap1.wlan[0];
mobileNode.wlan[0] <–> wlan[0] <–> ap2.wlan[0];
mobileNode.wlan[0] <–> wlan[0] <–> ap3.wlan[0];
In this network:
The mobile node’s movement will cause it to transfer closer to among APs over time, needing handoff management to maintain a stable connection. This normally encompasses calculating the signal strength and transferring to a better AP when essential.
Example: Signal Strength-Based Handoff
void MobileNode::handleHandoff() {
double bestSignalStrength = -DBL_MAX;
cModule *bestAp = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < numAps; i++) {
double signalStrength = getSignalStrength(aps[i]);
if (signalStrength > bestSignalStrength) {
bestSignalStrength = signalStrength;
bestAp = aps[i];
if (bestAp && bestAp != currentAp) {
double MobileNode::getSignalStrength(cModule *ap) {
// Example function to calculate signal strength
return ap->par(“txPower”).doubleValue() – distance(mobileNode, ap);
void MobileNode::handoffTo(cModule *ap) {
// Logic to perform handoff
EV << “Handoff to AP: ” << ap->getName() << “\n”;
currentAp = ap;
// Update connection parameters…
This code verifies the signal strength of each obtainable AP and activates a handoff to the AP with the strongest signal when essential.
To check the handoff process, we can configure the mobile node to communicate with a server while moving, make sure that packets are effectively transferred even during handoffs.
Example Traffic Configuration in omnetpp.ini:
network = MobilityHandoffNetwork
**.mobileNode.numApps = 1
**[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
**[0].destAddresses = “server”
**[0].destPort = 1234
**[0].messageLength = 1024B
**[0].sendInterval = 1s
**.server.numApps = 1
**[0].typename = “UdpSink”
**[0].localPort = 1234
In this setup:
Use OMNeT++’s recording features to log packet loss, handoff events, and other key metrics that will support measure the act of the handoff mechanism.
Example Configuration for Recording Handoff Events:
network = MobilityHandoffNetwork
**.mobileNode.wlan[0].mac.handoverCount.recordScalar = true
**.mobileNode.wlan[0].mac.handoverTimes.recordVector = true
This configuration will record the amount of handovers and the times at which they happen.
We can use OMNeT++’s tools to visualize packet flows, handoff events, and signal strength over time.
Execute more difficult handoff management scenarios, like:
Example: Multi-RAT Handoff
void MobileNode::handleMultiRATHandoff() {
double wifiSignal = getSignalStrength(wifiAp);
double lteSignal = getSignalStrength(lteEnb);
if (wifiSignal > lteSignal && currentRAT != “WiFi”) {
} else if (lteSignal > wifiSignal && currentRAT != “LTE”) {
void MobileNode::handoffToWiFi() {
// Logic to switch to WiFi
currentRAT = “WiFi”;
void MobileNode::handoffToLTE() {
// Logic to switch to LTE
currentRAT = “LTE”;
This code determines how to execute a handoff mechanism among WiFi and LTE depends on signal strength.
After finishing the simulations, document the results, containing the amount of handoffs, the success rate of packet transmissions, and any packet loss during handoffs. It will support in knowing the performance of the handoff management mechanism.
We had presented about Mobility handoff management concepts, examples, and their approaches are helps to execute the Network Mobility handoff management in OMNeT++ using INET network. If required, we will provide any additional details of this topic with other features. offers original topics and ideas, plus help with network comparison analysis. If you’re looking to implement Network Mobility Handoff Management in the OMNeT++ tool, we can provide you with top-notch guidance since we have access to all Radio Access Technologies (RATs). We also offer personalized simulation support. Keep connected with for excellent advice.