To implement the network management within OMNeT++ has comprises making a system that can monitor, control, and handle the network resources, performance, and configurations. This management normally contains functions like security management, performance management, fault management, and configuration management. Given below is a step-by-step process to implement a basic network management system in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Example .ned file:
network ManagedNetwork {
nms: StandardHost { // Network Management System
router1: Router {
router2: Router {
host1: StandardHost {
host2: StandardHost {
nms.ethg++ <–> Ethernet100M <–> router1.pppg++;
router1.pppg++ <–> Ethernet10G <–> router2.pppg++;
host1.ethg++ <–> Ethernet100M <–> router1.pppg++;
host2.ethg++ <–> Ethernet100M <–> router2.pppg++;
In this topology, the nms node performances as the Network Management System, which will handle and observe the other devices in the network.
Example of a simple management agent:
class ManagementAgent : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void reportStatus();
void ManagementAgent::initialize()
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1, new cMessage(“statusReport”));
void ManagementAgent::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “statusReport”) == 0) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 10, msg); // Report status every 10 seconds
else if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “controlCommand”) == 0) {
// Handle control commands from NMS
EV << “Received control command” << endl;
// Implement specific control actions here
void ManagementAgent::reportStatus()
// Simulate status report
cMessage *statusMsg = new cMessage(“statusUpdate”);
statusMsg->addPar(“nodeName”) = getParentModule()->getFullName();
statusMsg->addPar(“status”) = “OK”; // Example status
send(statusMsg, “out”); // Send status to NMS
This agent states the status of its node every 10 seconds to the NMS and can react to control commands.
Example implementation of a basic NMS:
class NetworkManagementSystem : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void processStatusUpdate(cMessage *msg);
void NetworkManagementSystem::initialize()
// Initialization code
void NetworkManagementSystem::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “statusUpdate”) == 0) {
delete msg;
void NetworkManagementSystem::processStatusUpdate(cMessage *msg)
std::string nodeName = msg->par(“nodeName”).stringValue();
std::string status = msg->par(“status”).stringValue();
EV << “Received status update from ” << nodeName << “: ” << status << endl;
// Example: If status is not OK, send a control command
if (status != “OK”) {
cMessage *controlMsg = new cMessage(“controlCommand”);
send(controlMsg, “out”, getIndexForNode(nodeName)); // Send command to the specific node
int NetworkManagementSystem::getIndexForNode(const std::string &nodeName)
// Map node names to connection indices (this depends on the network setup)
if (nodeName == “router1”) return 0;
else if (nodeName == “router2”) return 1;
// Add more mappings as necessary
return -1; // Default case
This NMS module gets status updates, logs them, and can send control commands if needed.
Example .ini file:
[Config NetworkManagement]
network = ManagedNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
*.router1.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = “ManagementAgent”
*.router2.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = “ManagementAgent”
*.nms.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = “NetworkManagementSystem”
This formation sets up the network with router1 and router2 running the ManagementAgent, and the nms running the NetworkManagementSystem.
Throughout this setup, we are showed simple procedure to implement and analyse the Network Management using OMNeT++ and also we will give further details as per your needs. If you want to keep the simulation running smoothly in Network Management, you can count on our help. Just send us the details of your project, and we’ll assist you further.