To implement the Network Hybrid Signature in OMNeT++ encompasses merging several cryptographic techniques, like digital signatures and another security mechanisms, to make sure the authenticity, integrity, and non-repudiation of messages in a network simulation. This may include using a combination of symmetric encryption (for fast data encryption), and asymmetric encryption (for digital signatures) where the digital signature make sure the integrity and accuracy of the message, and the symmetric encryption protects the message content.
The following is a step-by-step process on how to implement a Network Hybrid Signature in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Example of a Simple Hybrid Signature Module:
simple HybridSignatureModule {
string symmetricKey; // Key for symmetric encryption
string privateKey; // Private key for signing
string publicKey; // Public key for verifying signature
input in;
output out;
void HybridSignatureModule::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
Packet *pkt = check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg);
// 1. Encrypt the message content
string encryptedMessage = encryptSymmetric(pkt->getByteArray().str(), symmetricKey);
// 2. Generate a hash of the encrypted message
string messageHash = generateHash(encryptedMessage);
// 3. Sign the hash with the private key
string signature = signWithPrivateKey(messageHash, privateKey);
// 4. Package the encrypted message and signature
Packet *signedPacket = new Packet(“SignedPacket”);
send(signedPacket, “out”);
Example Verification Logic in the Receiver Module:
void HybridSignatureModule::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
Packet *signedPacket = check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg);
// Extract the encrypted message and signature
string encryptedMessage = signedPacket->getTag<EncryptedMessageTag>()->getValue();
string receivedSignature = signedPacket->getTag<SignatureTag>()->getValue();
// Generate the hash of the encrypted message
string messageHash = generateHash(encryptedMessage);
// Verify the signature using the sender’s public key
bool isSignatureValid = verifySignature(messageHash, receivedSignature, publicKey);
if (isSignatureValid) {
EV << “Signature is valid. Decrypting the message…” << endl;
// Decrypt the message
string decryptedMessage = decryptSymmetric(encryptedMessage, symmetricKey);
// Process the message as needed
} else {
EV << “Signature is invalid. Discarding the message.” << endl;
// Handle invalid signature (e.g., discard the packet)
Over this paper, we had executed the comprehensive procedure is helps to implement the Network Hybrid Signature using OMNeT++. Additional informations will be offered according to your needs.
We’re here to provide full support for rolling out the Network Hybrid Signature with the OMNeT++ tool. Count on the team for tailored guidance that fits your unique requirements. If you’re looking for original project ideas, feel free to reach out to us.