To implement the network energy management in OMNeT++ required a node that handles the simulated network’s energy consumption to enhance battery life, efficiency and overall network performance. It is especially relevant in wireless sensor networks, mobile ad-hoc networks and other battery-powered devices. We provided the step-by-step guide with examples to implement network energy management in OMNeT++ using the INET framework.
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Define a network topology including nodes that has potential of energy management. During the communication and task processing, this node will simulate the energy consumption.
Example NED File (EnergyManagementNetwork.ned):
package mynetwork;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
import inet.power.consumer.StateBasedEpEnergyConsumer;
import inet.power.generator.SimpleEpEnergyGenerator;
network EnergyManagementNetwork
nodeA: StandardHost {
energyStorage: <SimpleEpEnergyStorage>;
energyConsumer: <StateBasedEpEnergyConsumer>;
energyGenerator: <SimpleEpEnergyGenerator>;
nodeB: StandardHost {
energyStorage: <SimpleEpEnergyStorage>;
energyConsumer: <StateBasedEpEnergyConsumer>;
energyGenerator: <SimpleEpEnergyGenerator>;
router: Router {
connections allowunconnected:
nodeA.pppg++ <–> ethernetLine <–> router.pppg++;
router.pppg++ <–> ethernetLine <–> nodeB.pppg++;
In this sample:
Configure the energy storage and consumption models for the nodes. This approach will mimic how the nodes consume energy during communication and other operations.
Example Configuration in omnetpp.ini:
network = EnergyManagementNetwork
**.nodeA.energyStorage.initialEnergyCapacity = 10J # 10 Joules of initial energy
**.nodeA.energyConsumer.energyConsumptionRate = 0.1Jps # 0.1 Joules per second
**.nodeA.energyGenerator.generationRate = 0.01Jps # 0.01 Joules per second (solar, etc.)
**.nodeB.energyStorage.initialEnergyCapacity = 10J
**.nodeB.energyConsumer.energyConsumptionRate = 0.1Jps
**.nodeB.energyGenerator.generationRate = 0.01Jps
This configuration initiates the nodes with a certain amount of energy and states how quickly they consume and generate energy.
We have execute techniques includes reducing transmission power, scheduling sleep modes, or modifying communication intervals depends on remaining energy to enhance the energy consumption.
Example: Energy-Aware Communication
void UdpBasicApp::sendPacket() {
if (energyStorage->getRemainingEnergyCapacity() > 0.1J) { // Only send if enough energy
auto packet = createPacket(“DataPacket”);
send(packet, “socketOut”);
energyStorage->consumeEnergy(0.1J); // Consume energy on sending
} else {
EV << “Not enough energy to send packet.\n”;
This code authorize the remaining energy before sending a packet and consumes energy accordingly.
Implement sleep modes to save energy while the node is not actively communicating. Nodes can wake up occasionally to check for messages or perform tasks.
Example: Sleep Mode Implementation
void Node::enterSleepMode() {
scheduleAt(simTime() + sleepDuration, wakeupMsg); // Schedule wakeup
void Node::wakeup() {
// Perform tasks or send packets
void Node::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg == wakeupMsg) {
} else {
// Handle other messages
This example executes a basic sleep mode where the node wakes up after a particular duration.
Run the simulation and observe the energy levels of each node to see how various strategies influence the overall energy consumption.
Example Configuration for Recording Energy Levels:
network = EnergyManagementNetwork
**.nodeA.energyStorage.remainingEnergyCapacity.recordScalar = true
**.nodeB.energyStorage.remainingEnergyCapacity.recordScalar = true
This configuration logs the remaining energy of every node over time.
After running the simulation, define how efficient the energy management techniques by analyzing the results. Consider metrics like:
Example: Adjusting Transmission Power Based on Energy Levels
void Node::adjustTransmissionPower() {
double remainingEnergy = energyStorage->getRemainingEnergyCapacity();
if (remainingEnergy < 1J) {
wlan->setTransmissionPower(10mW); // Reduce power when energy is low
} else {
wlan->setTransmissionPower(100mW); // Use normal power otherwise
This strategy decrease transmission power when energy is running low to expand the node’s operational life.
After completing the simulations, document the energy management strategies tested, the results gotten, and any optimizations made. This will help in understanding the trade-offs amongst energy consumption and network performance.
With the help of this process, you can gain the knowledge regarding the network energy consumption’s implement and know about how to consume the energy while the simulation network is running using the samples.
Share all your parameter details with us, and we’ll offer you solid simulation guidance on Network Energy Management using the OMNeT++ tool. Feel free to reach out to the team for quick support!