To implement the network energy consumption in OMNeT++ has includes modelling and mimicking how network nodes consume energy while their operations. It can be significant for learning the influence of energy usage on network performance and lifetime. Below is a detailed approaches on how to set up and mimic network energy consumption in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Network energy consumption denotes to the energy used by network nodes for several operations like data transmission, reception, and processing. It can contain:
Make certain OMNeT++ and the INET framework are installed. OMNeT++ offers the simulation situation, and INET contains network models we can extend for energy consumption.
Open OMNeT++ and generate a new project for energy consumption simulation.
Describe the network components and their connectivity in .ned files. Comprise parameters for energy consumption in the node designations.
network EnergyConsumptionNetwork
node1: EnergyConsumingNode {
node2: EnergyConsumingNode {
node1.out –>;
State a node module that models energy consumption. Describe parameters for energy usage during several states.
simple EnergyConsumingNode
double txEnergy = 0.5mJ; // Energy per transmission
double rxEnergy = 0.3mJ; // Energy per reception
double idleEnergy = 0.1mJ; // Energy per idle period
double maxEnergy = 10.0mJ; // Maximum energy capacity
inout in;
inout out;
Execute the logic for energy consumption in the node’s C++ code. This contains energy used for transmission, reception, and idle periods.
class EnergyConsumingNode : public cSimpleModule
double txEnergy;
double rxEnergy;
double idleEnergy;
double maxEnergy;
double currentEnergy;
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void consumeEnergy(double amount);
void EnergyConsumingNode::initialize()
txEnergy = par(“txEnergy”);
rxEnergy = par(“rxEnergy”);
idleEnergy = par(“idleEnergy”);
maxEnergy = par(“maxEnergy”);
currentEnergy = maxEnergy;
void EnergyConsumingNode::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
// Handle self messages (e.g., timer events)
} else {
// Handle incoming messages
// Process and forward message
void EnergyConsumingNode::consumeEnergy(double amount)
if (currentEnergy >= amount) {
currentEnergy -= amount;
} else {
// Handle energy depletion (e.g., node inactivity)
currentEnergy = 0;
// Optionally: Send notification or change node state
Oversee the omnetpp.ini file to set parameters associated to energy consumption for the nodes.
[Config EnergyConsumptionNetwork]
network = EnergyConsumptionNetwork
**.node1.txEnergy = 0.6mJ
**.node1.rxEnergy = 0.4mJ
**.node1.idleEnergy = 0.2mJ
**.node1.maxEnergy = 15.0mJ
Compile and run the simulation. Monitor how energy consumption affects node behaviour and network performance.
Estimate the performance based on metrics like:
To visualize energy consumption and its effects on the network by using OMNeT++’s analysis tools and plotting functions.
Therefore, we had obtained the implementation process with examples regarding Energy Consumption in the network using the tool OMNeT++. We will offer more specifies as per your request. are here to support you with your needs, so please reach out to Our team is prepared to assist you with the implementation of network energy consumption results. For any related topics, feel free to contact us, and we will be there to guide you through every stage of your project.