To implement Network Emergency Message Dissemination in OMNeT++ has needs to generate the mechanism to effectively and quickly spread emergency messages through a network and this is vital in scenarios such as vehicular networks, disaster recovery networks, or IoT systems in which timely delivery of emergency information is serious. The below are the procedures to execute the network emergency dissemination in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Example NED file:
network EmergencyNetwork
node1: StandardHost;
node2: StandardHost;
node3: StandardHost;
node4: StandardHost;
node5: StandardHost;
controller: StandardHost;
node1.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> node2.ethg++;
node2.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> node3.ethg++;
node3.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> node4.ethg++;
node4.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> node5.ethg++;
controller.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> node3.ethg++;
Example emergency message generation:
void EmergencyApp::generateEmergencyMessage() {
EmergencyMessage *msg = new EmergencyMessage(“EmergencyMessage”);
send(msg, “out”);
void EmergencyApp::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + par(“messageInterval”).doubleValue(), msg);
Example .ini file configuration:
**[0].typename = “EmergencyApp”
**[0].messageInterval = 5s
Example dissemination protocol:
void EmergencyApp::forwardEmergencyMessage(EmergencyMessage *msg) {
for (int i = 0; i < gateSize(“out”); i++) {
EmergencyMessage *copy = msg->dup();
send(copy, “out”, i);
void EmergencyApp::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
if (EmergencyMessage *emMsg = dynamic_cast<EmergencyMessage*>(msg)) {
if (!hasMessageBeenProcessed(emMsg)) {
delete emMsg;
} else {
Example mobility configuration in the .ini file:
**.node*.mobility.typename = “StationaryMobility”
**.node*.mobility.x = uniform(0, 100)
**.node*.mobility.y = uniform(0, 100)
Example result recording in the .ini file:
**.node*.app[0].recordScalar = true
We can measure the outcomes using OMNeT++’s built-in tools or export the data for further analysis in tools such as MATLAB or Python.
Example OMNeT++ Configuration:
network = EmergencyNetwork
sim-time-limit = 200s
**.node*.numApps = 1
**.node*.app[0].typename = “EmergencyApp”
**.node*.app[0].messageInterval = exponential(5s)
**.node*.mobility.typename = “StationaryMobility”
**.node*.mobility.x = uniform(0, 100)
**.node*.mobility.y = uniform(0, 100)
**[0].typename = “CentralControllerApp”
Additional Considerations:
We had understand how to deploy the Network Emergency Message Dissemination in OMNet++ simulator that has generate the network to rapidly sends the messages then deploy in the network. More information regarding the Network Emergency Message Dissemination we will provide.
If you want to set up Network Emergency Message Dissemination in OMNeT++, our experts are here to help. Just reach out to for top-notch project advice.