To implement Network Controller Placement in OMNeT++ has usually includes to develop and mimic the scenario in which the controller in a Software-Defined Network (SDN) are placed optimally to handle the network efficiently. The aim is to regulate the best placement of controllers to reduce the latency, improve the resilience, and make sure the efficient management of network devices. The below is the procedure to implement the network controller placement in OMNeT++:
Step-by-Step Implementation:
Example NED file:
network ControllerPlacementNetwork
switch1: StandardHost;
switch2: StandardHost;
switch3: StandardHost;
controller1: StandardHost;
controller2: StandardHost;
router: Router;
switch1.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> router.ethg++;
switch2.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> router.ethg++;
switch3.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> router.ethg++;
controller1.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> router.ethg++;
controller2.ethg++ <–> EthLink <–> router.ethg++;
Example algorithm design:
void NetworkManager::determineControllerPlacement() {
// Evaluate the network topology and calculate latencies
for (auto &switch : switches) {
double minLatency = DBL_MAX;
Controller *bestController = nullptr;
for (auto &controller : controllers) {
double latency = calculateLatency(switch, controller);
if (latency < minLatency) {
minLatency = latency;
bestController = controller;
assignController(switch, bestController);
double NetworkManager::calculateLatency(Node *switch, Node *controller) {
// Implement your latency calculation logic here
return getDistance(switch, controller) / linkSpeed;
void NetworkManager::assignController(Node *switch, Node *controller) {
// Assign the switch to the selected controller
Example C++ class in OMNeT++:
class NetworkManager : public cSimpleModule {
virtual void initialize() override {
Example .ini configuration:
network = ControllerPlacementNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
**.router.numEthInterfaces = 2
**.switch*.numEthInterfaces = 1
**.controller*.numEthInterfaces = 1
Example monitoring and adjustment logic:
void NetworkManager::monitorNetwork() {
for (auto &controller : controllers) {
if (controller->getLoad() > threshold) {
void NetworkManager::redistributeLoad(Controller *overloadedController) {
// Logic to redistribute the load from an overloaded controller to others
for (auto &switch : switchesAssignedTo(overloadedController)) {
Controller *newController = findAlternativeController(switch);
Key metrics to consider:
Example analysis using OMNeT++:
**.controller*.latency.recordScalar = true
**.controller*.load.recordScalar = true
Example OMNeT++ Configuration:
network = ControllerPlacementNetwork
sim-time-limit = 200s
**.router*.queue.typename = “DropTailQueue”
**.router*.queue.packetCapacity = 1000
**.controller*.numApps = 1
**.controller*.app[0].typename = “ControllerApp”
**.switch*.app[0].typename = “SwitchApp”
**.switch*.controllerAssignment = “dynamic”
Additional Considerations:
Through this step-by-step approach we briefly deliver the deployment of Network Controller Placement in OMNeT++ using Controller Placement Algorithm including the instances. You can also extend their functionalities by executing Controller-to-Switch Latency, Controller Load, and Network Resilience. For best project execution you can always rely on our experts.