To implement the network content sharing architectures in OMNeT++ has contains generating a situation where numerous nodes in a network share data, files, or multimedia content between themselves. This kind of architecture is usual in peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, content delivery networks (CDNs), and mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) where content wants to be distributed effectively.
Now, given simple step-by-step procedure to executing a basic network content sharing architecture in OMNeT++ using the INET framework:
Step-by-Step Implementations:
Make a network topology where several nodes are associated and capable of forwarding content with each other. This topology should signify a small P2P network or a section of a CDN.
Example NED File (ContentSharingNetwork.ned):
package mynetwork;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
import inet.node.inet.AccessPoint;
network ContentSharingNetwork
int numNodes = default(5); // Number of nodes in the network
node[numNodes]: StandardHost {
router: Router {
In this example:
We want to make a new module that executes the content sharing protocol. This protocol will manage requests for content, possibly cache content locally for upcoming requests, and distribute content to requesting nodes.
Example: Content Sharing Protocol (ContentSharingProtocol.ned)
package mynetwork;
import inet.applications.base.ApplicationBase;
simple ContentSharingProtocol extends ApplicationBase
input upperLayerIn;
output upperLayerOut;
input lowerLayerIn;
output lowerLayerOut;
} (Basic Implementation)
#include “inet/common/INETDefs.h”
#include “inet/applications/base/ApplicationBase.h”
#include “inet/common/queue/FIFOQueue.h”
void ContentSharingProtocol::initialize(int stage) {
if (stage == INITSTAGE_LOCAL) {
contentCache = new std::map<std::string, std::string>(); // Simple content cache
requestQueue = new cQueue(“requestQueue”);
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1, processQueueEvent);
void ContentSharingProtocol::handleMessageWhenUp(cMessage *msg) {
if (msg == processQueueEvent) {
scheduleAt(simTime() + 1, processQueueEvent);
} else if (msg->getArrivalGate() == upperLayerIn) {
} else {
void ContentSharingProtocol::handleUpperMessage(cMessage *msg) {
std::string contentName = msg->getName(); // Assume the content name is the message name
if (contentCache->find(contentName) != contentCache->end()) {
// Content is in cache, send it
cMessage *contentMsg = new cMessage(contentName.c_str());
send(contentMsg, “upperLayerOut”);
EV << “Serving content from cache: ” << contentName << “\n”;
} else {
// Content not in cache, forward the request
EV << “Forwarding request for content: ” << contentName << “\n”;
void ContentSharingProtocol::handleLowerMessage(cMessage *msg) {
std::string contentName = msg->getName();
std::string contentData = “ContentData”; // Placeholder for actual content
// Cache the content
(*contentCache)[contentName] = contentData;
// Respond to the original request
while (!requestQueue->isEmpty()) {
cMessage *requestMsg = check_and_cast<cMessage *>(requestQueue->pop());
if (requestMsg->getName() == contentName) {
cMessage *contentMsg = new cMessage(contentName.c_str());
send(contentMsg, “upperLayerOut”);
EV << “Responding with content: ” << contentName << “\n”;
delete requestMsg;
void ContentSharingProtocol::processQueue() {
if (!requestQueue->isEmpty()) {
cMessage *requestMsg = check_and_cast<cMessage *>(requestQueue->pop());
void ContentSharingProtocol::finish() {
delete contentCache;
delete requestQueue;
In this example:
Configure the simulation in the omnetpp.ini file to use the custom content forwarding protocol.
Example Configuration in omnetpp.ini:
network = ContentSharingNetwork
**.node[*].applications[0].typename = “ContentSharingProtocol”
Run the simulation and observe the content-sharing process. We can track metrics like the amount of data transmitted, request latency, and cache hits.
Example Configuration for Monitoring Metrics:
network = ContentSharingNetwork
**.node[*].applications[0].numCacheHits.recordScalar = true
**.node[*].applications[0].numRequestsHandled.recordScalar = true
This configuration records the count of cache hits and the number of requests managed, supporting to assess the effectiveness of the content-sharing architecture.
After running the simulation, examine the results to determine the efficiency of the content-sharing strategy. Consider factors like:
We can expand the simple content-sharing architecture with further features like:
Example: Distributed Caching
void ContentSharingProtocol::handleUpperMessage(cMessage *msg) {
std::string contentName = msg->getName();
if (contentCache->find(contentName) != contentCache->end()) {
// Content is in cache, send it
cMessage *contentMsg = new cMessage(contentName.c_str());
send(contentMsg, “upperLayerOut”);
EV << “Serving content from cache: ” << contentName << “\n”;
} else {
// Content not in cache, request it from neighbors
cMessage *requestMsg = new cMessage(contentName.c_str());
void ContentSharingProtocol::broadcastRequest(cMessage *msg) {
// Send the request to all connected nodes
for (int i = 0; i < gateSize(“lowerLayerOut”); i++) {
cMessage *copy = msg->dup();
send(copy, “lowerLayerOut”, i);
delete msg;
After finishing the simulations, document the content-sharing strategies verified, the results attained, and any optimizations made. It will be helped to get knowledge on how numerous strategies impact the effectiveness and performance of the content-sharing architecture.
In this page, we had exposed about Content sharing architectures that has network topology, content sharing protocol, simulate and analyse in OMNeT++ tool using INET framework. We will be provided advanced concepts and informations according to your requirements. To establish Network Content Sharing architectures in OMNeT++ and to develop Network Clustering within the OMNeT++ tool, we will provide you with comprehensive guidance and customized support. Additionally, we offer unique topics and concepts, accompanied by comparative analysis assistance.